❥ Chapter 31.

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you guys are insane!! 5,000+ reads. i love u.

I walk out of college, expecting to walk home but instead see my dad waving at me, "Dad?" I walk over to him.

"Hey kiddo" He smiles, "C'mon, I want you to meet some people" He opens the passenger door for me.

"Who?" I raise my eyebrows, "It's a surprise, c'mon get in" He sounds excited so I get in the car.

I know exactly who we're going to see and I'm not in the mood, today has been a long day at college. I haven't seen Issac either.

I'm confused with what we are, we have both established that we want to be together but are we? After our kiss - which I can't stop thinking about - last night he dropped me home and I haven't seen him since.

We've texted but I can't bring myself to ask him over text, I think it's better to do it in person but now that dad has picked me up I can't invite him round like I planned to.

I sigh, we pass trees after tress, "Where are we going?" I ask my dad, whose tapping his fingers along to the beat of the song playing on the radio.

"It's all a surprise Darc, it's not far away" He glances at me for a few seconds with a smile. I rest my head back closing my eyes.

I saw Henry today, Eric is still avoiding him which he's getting rather upset about. I would be as well, but unfortunately it's something to expect when fallen for a straight guy.

I saw Amelia as well, we've planned to go shopping which is something I never do. I can't remember the last time I went shopping, all the people rushing about stresses me.

I can hear dad hum the side of me which is annoying me. I feel bad for always being angry with him but I just can't help it.

We pull up outside a hotel and I start to become nervous. He didn't ask me if I wanted to do this, he can act as if it's a surprise but he knows that I know what he's doing if he'd have asked me, I could of prepared myself.

I get out the car slamming the door behind me, "Jesus Darc, break my door" He chuckles, I just give him a fake smile.

People greet us as we walk in smiling, I need to be getting a job soon but being around new people and doing new things scares me.

We stand in the elevator in silence, a million things are going through my mind.

He loves Adelaide more then you.

My breath catches in my throat but I close my eyes and try to clear my head like Louise told me too.

She'll be a better daughter then you ever will be.

I squeeze my eyes shut until the elevator bell rings out alerting us we're on our level, my eyes snap open and my dad steps out.

I stay still, unable to move. "Darcy c'mon" Dad frowns but I don't care, I'm scared. He gently takes my hand and guides me out. I pull back but after a few seconds pass I walk out.

I inhale and exhale to try calm myself down but it's not working, my brain is still racing. My dad opens the hotel room door and immediately I hear giggling.

I step inside, in my head this is more dramatic then in real life, inside I can hear my heart thumping and my heavy breathing. Everything just seems to go in slow motion.

"Daddy's back" Brown hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks. She comes running in a beaming smile on her lips and her eyes full of innocence.

"Hey princess" He picks her up, kissing her forehead.

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