❥ Chapter 39.

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hi guys! in celebration of 20k i'm posting two characters this week! so look out for a chapter tomorrow.

Issac's P.O.V

I'm bored, lying in bed. Darcy has left me to hang out with Ellie, apparently it was important. I don't know why they're suddenly best pals.

It's not that I don't want them to be friends, I'm just worried for Darcy. She's very bold and strong minded but sometimes she can be very easily led and Ellie can use and dominate people to do exactly what she wants.

I'm still not over calling Darcy my girlfriend, feels like I'm dreaming whenever I do. I almost have to pinch myself.

As much as I'm happy that I'm finally with Darcy my body won't let me. It's almost 3 years since Andrew died and I feel like if I'm happy, Andrew won't know that I miss him every second of the day.

If only I hadn't of gone out with my mates. I scrunch my fists up, anger bubbling in me.

"Hey sweetheart, ready to make a cake?" I hear my moms voice downstairs, is she talking to me? Ugh I don't care if she wants me, she's going to have to come upstairs to me.

"I sure am" A soft fairy like voice follows after and instantly my anger fizzles away, Darcy. I get to my feet, suddenly itching to get to her, she didn't tell me she was coming round.

A smile grows on my face until my stomach feels funny and my heart does a flip. Her little face glows up when I enter the room and I'm pretty sure I've the same reaction.

"I hear there is a cake being made?" I raise my eyebrows, "Typical, all my son has to hear is the mention of food and he's here in seconds flat" My mom rolls her eyes.

Well duh, food.

"I should of used that when I couldn't get you up in the morning for school" She flaps her tea towel around, now being switched to my turn of an eye roll.

"Haha, very funny mother, but I hated high school. Not even food would of moved me" I sit down on a high raised spiny chair.

Darcy smiles and my heart flutters. I've got to get a grip. They're making a cake for Ezra apparently from what I catch, I'm more distracted by Darcy swanning about in her thrill dress.

I love how well she gets on with my parents, she seems so comfortable and natural around them. After Andrew died I guess I shut them out a bit. I always feel like they didn't grieve, that they just went on as normal whilst I was suffering from a broken, ripped to streps heart.

"Issac, come join in" Darcy shows me her perfectly white set of teeth as she smiles. I get to my feet and walk round, "Mix this for me please, I need some muscle to make sure it's all mixed together" She hands me the bowl.

I take it from her giving a little smile before I mix the ingredients together. Next she gets the flour tipping it into a bowl.

I can't think straight at the minute. All day I've had my stupid course work on my mind. I failed my last course and that's why I've been put on an art course because my former tutor thought I was artistic or something.

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