❥ Chapter 41.

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hiii! i've so many chapters written ahaha, i'm always writing :p

A few weeks have gone past since Ellie told Nathan the baby is his. Ellie hasn't gone to college because everyone knows, but no one is being nasty. I think it's just curiosity.

Issac has been quiet about the whole situation, whenever I mention it he changes the subject almost immediately or I revive one word replies. I think he's just stressed about his course work, I've been trying to help him with it but he always seems distracted to the point I wonder if he's going off me.

He's growing distant and is spending a lot of time drinking and it's worrying me, every time I ask him if he's okay or what's wrong he just says its course work stressing him out, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Nothing much has changed apart from that, college comes and goes everyday I'm waiting for Friday so I don't have to go in but I'm really appreciating the sessions with Louise. I'm feeling so much better and positive but I sometimes still have little melt downs.

Henry and Eric are apparently on talking terms and he's opening up way more to Henry, which is so pleasing to here. Henry is so happy but for some reason none of us can be happy for long when we hear whispers about Ellie.

Nathan still refuses to believe it and has been absent from college for the past few days. It's breaking Ellie's heart, I see her almost everyday now since Issac is becoming distant.

Just the thought of him going off me makes me want to curl up and cry. He's not at college yet but he should, hopefully, be turning up soon.

It's nearly the end of the day, Issac does the last hour and a half and I do all day. Our timetables are slightly different due to us being at different levels. I watch the cars go by, Nathan arrives and we just glare at each other.

Sam arrives but no Issac, I frown. I really wanted to see him today, I sign and go to stand up when I see his car roll onto the car park, my smile spreads from ear to ear.

I quickly walk to the entrance so eager to see him, my smile still shining bright. He gets out the car and I feel my expression slope, his hair is scruffy and he's wearing tracksuit bottoms with a worn out top.

He looks tired, I frown. "Hi beautiful" He kisses me on the forehead when he arrives in front of me, "Issac, are you okay?" Worry bubbles in me, his eyes are dark and tired and his face looks exhausted.

"Yes" He nods bluntly, I sigh and fix his hair a little. Even when he isn't at his best he still looks as if he is. I don't know how he manages it, but his hair does look like a raccoons nest so I smooth it out a little.

"Listen" He takes my hand, suddenly my body sinks with a bad feeling, "I've been thinking" He looks nervous and troubled, I know what's coming.

"I know what you're gonna say, please don't" I take my hand away, my body feeling cold and lonely already. "What's the matter?" He looks confused.

I can tell from the tone of his voice he's nervous, I knew this talk was going to come, I knew he'd go off me.

Are you really surprised? He's finally figured out that you're no good.

I shake my head, I feel a pool of tears flood up in me, over coming me like I'm about to burst.

You're worthless, who would want you anyways?

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