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Surprise update because I can! 🎉 😎

Surprise update because I can! 🎉 😎

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"Mommy, daddy bwought me toys!" Nico exclaims as he is jumping up and down

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"Mommy, daddy bwought me toys!" Nico exclaims as he is jumping up and down. He quickly hugges me and then he runs to his room.

"Hello love." Elijah says, wrapping arms around my waist and kissing me softly yet tenderly.

"Hi. Elijah you don't need to buy Nico new toys everyday."

"I know. I just love him and when he asks for one toy I can't say no. I missed him so much during this time." He then looks at dinner table.

"You cooked Pearl? I told you I will cook."

"I know, I am sorry but you work really hard and all day, so I was trying to help. You just got out of the hospital, you should still be resting."

"Oh love, I am fine. Thanks for dinner. Let me go freshen up, then I will take my princess and you can do it too. After that we can eat. Dress nicely okay?" He kisses my forehead and does exactly what he told me.

30minutes later and I am walking down the stairs to see the most heartwarming sight. Elijah is on the couch with Nico on his left and Elina in his arms. He is talking to both of them, but he is talking to Elina in baby voice. I hear him say: "You are so beautiful, princess. I love you so much and I love your brother and your mommy. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I am so sorry I wasn't there when you came to this world but I promise you I will be with you and here for you always. You look just like me, when your brother is as beautiful as mommy. I am going to have to fight boys to keep them from you and your brother will help me."

I now make appearance.

"Will we go eat now?"

"Of course. Come on Nico. I will put her in baby lounger okay love." I nod and put Nico in his seat.

For dinner we have spaghetti carbonara and we talk about our day, all of the sudden Elijah stands up and goes to my side, I give him a perplexing look and wait for him to do something.

"Pearl my love, from the moment I met you in that store I fell for you. You sparked my interest with your genuineness and pure beauty. I had an honor to met you and I was very lucky that you gave me a chance. Everyday that I wake up next to you I smile and even one glance of you or just your voice brightens up my day. All my stress, my problems and worries fly away just by your one kiss. You didn't just gave me your love but you gave me two beautiful children and a home. While I was in coma and heard all your sayings I got confirmed what I was thinking for a long time now. I guess what I an trying to say is I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He gets on one knee.

"Skylar Pearl Gray will you do me the honor and become my wife?"

I burst into tears, quickly kiss and hug Elijah and whisper my answer to his ear. "Of course, my love. I love you so much Elijah." He already slipped ring on my finger and now I take time to look at it.

" He already slipped ring on my finger and now I take time to look at it

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I can't even describe you my feelings. My body, mind and soul is consumed by Elijah. It's like all I ever needed was being with him and our two kids.

"I love you too Pearl."

"Why is mommy crying?"

"Mommy is crying because she is happy. Daddy and mommy are getting married."

"What does mawied means?"

"Oh baby, that means that mommy and daddy love each other very very much and are going to celebrate it." Elijah explains, well good explanation.

"Yaaay celebwation!"

"The ring is so beautiful Elijah, it must have cost a fortune."

"Love we have enough money to last us a lifetime. Don't worry. All that I have is yours and all that you have is mine. And don't even think that money isn't ours." I know he is right, besides I am not that kind of woman who just spends money all the time. I barely spent any of his money and now we will be married, we have two children so I understand him.

"At least now when you will insist on paying I will not feel that bad anymore, since it will be shared. Meaning I can pay sometimes."

"Nu-uh, nope love. I am still the one who is paying with OUR money okay? Thank you for this delicious dinner love."


Nico and Elina are asleep in their bedrooms, Elina's being next door to mine. I keep them both a baby monitor, so I can sleep in peace that I hear them both.

Elijah is in the shower while I am already ready for bed. Second later Elijah comes out and falls onto bed. He scoops me closer and start peppering kisses down my neck. Things are getting heated pretty fast and before I know it we have consumed our love one more time. Or a couple of times.

 Or a couple of times

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Yeah, that is it. I don't know if women who just gave birth have to wait for -let's say- this kind of activities so play along and pretend she can.

Thanks for reading.

Jenna Rose

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