Bonus chapter 3 + sequel info!

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First: thank you lovelies so so so much for 40k reads and 1k votes! I literally started screaming!

Okay so this will be last bonus chapter for this book and last thing I will write in Elijah's POV...

Okay so this will be last bonus chapter for this book and last thing I will write in Elijah's POV

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Elijah's POV

14 months ago we greeted into our family another boy.

Sky and I named him Tian.  When she told me she was pregnant with our fifth child I was over-the-moon happy. I got everything I ever wanted, a beautiful loving wife and five children. I was happy and content with four children but I always dreamt of five.

We had to move out of my house, but I was more then happy. The house we moved in we payed with money Pearl and I earned together. It's a bit smaller but has more rooms. I always thought it will be the best if my wife stays at home and I work, but she proved me wrong. It's the best when we share work and success together, to develop new project and keep tag on old ones.

Nico is now 14 and having a teenager at house is something we are getting used to. He always respects his mom but he sometimes clashes with me, mostly about some decisions he has made, like skipping school to prove he is cool. I prefer he argues with me then with Pearl, it would brake her heart and I would never allow any of our kids to disrespect her. Never.

Elina is 12 and I am getting to the idea she is not my little girl anymore, although I still glare at boys who look at her, I even glare at Jace. Best friends or not. She is annoyed by my protectiveness more then she is of her brothers.

Jaxon and Ethan are another story. They are 10 and are two little jokers, they always fool around and try to pull some stunt or two at Nico. Never at Elina always at Nico. They also really only listen to me. Only I can truly tame the two devils, but again I demand a respect to Sky and so they know better then to not listen to her. They do so only because they know I would be angry at them then.

And our little Tian is a replica of Nico, mommas boy. But even more. Nico wanted some time with me too, and although Tian does loves me he is clinged to Sky. It's like I am competing with my own son for my wife's attention. I understand he needs her now so I let him be. For now.

And Skylar well she is my love, my Pearl. Even after giving birth to five children she looks amazing. Her or as she says our magazine is going really great and all the profit we make, she decided to donate to hospitals and orphanages. And let me tell you magazine makes a lot of profit. We don't need more money then we have so why help others too.

"Love it's your turn." Skylar murmurs against my chest when Tian starts to cry again, he has only been asleep for an hour. He is growing his first teeth so that explains it.

"Okay." I chuckle and go to calm our son down.

"Hey Tian, it's alright, I know it hurts okay?" I give him his pacifier and lull him to sleep.

I place him down and wait a bit so that he is deeply asleep and I won't have to get up in an hour again.

On my way back to our room I go to check on other kids too.

Firstly my princess. Her room is pink and yellow colored with lots of flowers. She is sound asleep in her princess bed and I kiss her forehead.

Then I check on twins. They too are asleep but they don't sleep as peacefully as Lina. Ethan kicked his sheets on the ground and is now awkwardly warming himself with a pillow instead. I pick sheets up, place his pillow back and tuck him in. Now for Jaxon. He is still under his sheets but he has his legs on his pillow and his head almost on the ground. I readjust him quickly, kiss both of their foreheads and go to check on Nico.

I hear a faint music from his room. He wanted his room to be the furthest away from is it could be. And well me and Skylar granted him this wish. He also wanted a motorcycle but Skylar said absolutely not and she couldn't be convinced in any way.

I knock on his door, because we respect his privacy. I hear a faint come in and step inside.

"Sup dad." He says but doesn't lift his eyes from computer. He is lying on his bed, his desk and chair covered in clothes.

"You do know in two days your mom will come in and will want everything to be clean." Every Sunday Sky checked the children's room that it's clean. Of course she checked Tian's and twins's more regularly but the adult two had it that way.

"I know. I will clean it up till then." He sighs.

"Is there any girl?" I ask. He is fourteen, I think it's time to have the talk, but I hope he doesn't need one yet. He is only fourteen.

"No dad and I don't need that talk yet. I promise I will come to you when needed."

"Okay. Good night then son, don't be up to late." I ruffle his hair, he is to adulf for dad's hugs or kisses he says.

"Night." He says and goes back to looking at his computer. I now everyone is fine and go back to Sky.

"You were gone for long." She yawns.

"I checked all five of them. Go back to sleep love, you are tired." I say to her and kiss her temple.

"You know today one woman judged me. She said she hopes she won't make mistakes in her life and became a mother so soon." She frowns. It's not that she is ashamed or regrets having kids young. It's the fact she hates expressions on woman's faces when they say it like our kids were a mistake.

"Ignore them love. They are jealous you have 5 kids at age of 37, are still gorgeous and young and have an amazing husband." I reassure her and joke a bit.

"An amazing husband you really are." She kisses me deeply and we both fall asleep short after.

" She kisses me deeply and we both fall asleep short after

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