Bonus Chapter

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Hey lovelies!

Because I really love this book I decided to write few bonus chapters.

I just can't let go of all these characters... and you with all your reads and votes even encourage me more!

Aaaand this one will be in Elijah's POV!

This is our first Christmas as a family of four

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This is our first Christmas as a family of four. House was already decorated from the beginning of December. And it's lovely.

Pearl didn't want to spoil kids to much so we agreed to 3 gifts for everyone. I understand where she is coming from since they usually get random gifts and all.

We even made a donation to orphanage. And all four of us went to hand the gifts for ourselves. Nico even made a friend. Elina was to little but she enjoyed herself nonetheless. While Pearl was all emotional, pregnancy and all.

From time to time I try to tell her we can expand our house or move to other with one more room. You know having five kids would be dream come true.

She said we will discuss it later, so that isn't a complete no, right?

But I am more then grateful for my four kids. I dread the day we will have to tell Nico about his 'dad', I hope he will still except me and continue to look at me with same eyes.

I have never, not even once mistreated him or downgrade him. I hope he will understand.

"Elijah?" I hear my beautiful wife say.

"Yes love?"

"Could you please put to bed Nico and Elina? I am not feeling the best right now." She mumbles and when I look at her she really looks drained. Us four had Christmas dinner today and tomorrow we go to my parents for lunch.

"Of course love. Go take a shower and then lie down." I kiss her on the temple and then go to my kids rooms. I always go first to Nico and then to Elina. It's just our ritual.

"Are you settled Nico?"

"Yes daddy. Will Santa come? Was I a good boy this year?"

"Yes you have to fall asleep quickly so Santa comes. You were really good this year, you obeyed your mom and me and loved your sister, you shared with your friends and help them all if they needed. So Santa is really happy with you. Now go to sleep son."

"Good night daddy. I love you."

"I love you to Nico." I kiss him on the top of his head and turn off the big light, leaving only his spaceship glow in dark stickers to lighten his room.

Next stop Elina.

"Ready princess?"

"Yes daddy. I want Santa!"

"He will come if you go to sleep quickly."

"Daddy will I gate lots and lots of pwesents?"

"You will. Now good night princess. Daddy loves you."

"I love you and mommy and Nico."

I do the same to her lights only her stickers are stars and moon. I turn on her baby monitor since she still wakes up sometimes in the middle on the night.

And now to my lovely wife.

As I enter the room I see she is reading a book and already in bed. I change quickly too, since I showered earlier. Pearl sets aside her book and turns to look at me.

"Kids are asleep." I kiss her lightly on a cheek and place my hand on her baby bum.

"How are you?" I gently ask her.

"Much better thanks. This twins are making my pregnancy a lot harder then it was with Nico or Elina."

"I know. I think they will be the most troublesome of all our kids."

"Yeah? So they will go after you?" She laughed.

"Ha ha. You are so funny today wifey." I smirked. Honestly I love when we have this moments. I wouldn't want to be that couple that falls into a routine and looses all the passion and fun. But with Skylar I know that is not possible. I love her more than my need to breathe.

"I am so tired. Good night Elijah." She pecks my lips.

"Good night love." She snuggles into my side and se both drift to sleep.


"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up! Santa left us pwesents!" I hear voice of my beautiful daughter. Well time to get up.

I open my eyes to see Nico and Elina. Elina is standing on my side, when Nico is gently trying to wake Sky up. Well that is not an easy task.

"Go get yourself dressed Nico and I will go dress Elina. After that you can go down together and open the presents. I will wake mommy up."

"Okay." With that he bolts to his room. And I take Elina and get her dressed. When they are both down they carefully together go to presents.

"Pearl. Kids are waiting for presents." I say to her as I caress her cheek.

"Mhm." Is her only response so I start peppering kisses all over her face.

"Morning Elijah." She murmurs when I plant a kiss one her lips and she responds.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and I hear concern lacing my own voice.

"Much better, thanks. So about presents right? Let me just go change and I will be down in a minute."

"Okay." I peck her lips once more.

True to her words Skylar was down in a minute and kids are dancing around her with presents.

Elina got stuffed toys, dollies and kitchen set.

Nico got bike, cars and workshop kit.

I bought Skylar some lingerie, spa day and a weekend getaway for just the two of us.

And Skylar got me a cologne, watch, switchblade and some clothes like shirt, pants, briefs and so.

Kids were estatic to say the least and Elina asked us if Santa is coming again tomorrow.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Santa! I love you!" Well that is Elina for you.

All day Elina and Nico played with their gifts and we even told our parents about Sky being pregnant.

I would say it was one of the best days of my life but spending the rest of my life with my Pearl, everyday is the best day of my life.

I am grateful everyday to have her and our kids. And I love them everyday more and more, if that is even possible.

 And I love them everyday more and more, if that is even possible

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