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"There's nothing else to be talked about Kookie. Just action."

'Everyone was knocked out, fast asleep.

Everyone except me, I just couldn't fall asleep, every so often I would peek over Jungkook's shoulder to get a look at Lexi and Taehyung. She was fast asleep in his arms, and Tae had the faintest smile on his face.

He must be happy with her, who am I to break them up. What if Taehyung didn't even want me?'

You were lost in your thoughts and you didn't notice that Taehyung was actually staring right back at you, he cleared his throat brining you back to reality.

Your face went flush and you buried your head into Jungkook's chest, when you took another peek, you saw that Taehyung was still staring at you.

You couldn't take it anymore, as Taehyung's gaze held this power that made you quake. So you left and waited in the kitchen, hoping that he would eventually get tired and fall asleep.

But you were wrong.

Nibbling on the grapes you had set out in a bowl on the counter, you jumped when you saw a hand that didn't belong to you, pick up a grape.

You turned around and was now face to chest with Tahyung, he had followed you into the kitchen, he was there the whole time but he remained quiet trying to think of something to say.

"Shit Taehyung, you fucking scared me." you grabbed hold of the left side of your chest.

"Sorry," he said, almost inaudible.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go back now." You wanted to leave as fast as you could. You couldn't take being in his presence for any longer.

He grabbed hold of your hand, the feeling was nostalgic. It took you back to the day when you and Taehyung first met, the day that forever changed the way you looked at him. But then that fell to shit.

"Y/N, take a walk with me?"


Due to the darkness that surrounded you, you couldn't see the tears that rolled down Taehyung's cheeks, but you could hear him sniffle occasionaly.

You could hear the pain in his voice, but you didn't want to be the one to comfort him, you couldn't take it.

"How about I go get Lexi for you." You spat, and it seeped deep into Taehyung's heart like venom.

He snapped. "GODDAMNIT I DON'T FUCKING WANT HER!" He yell whispered.

You snapped your head around, staring at him, dumbfounded.

"Now please, can we just get out of here?" his voice shrunk back to an even smaller volume than before.

You let out a labored breath. "Wait. Here." You ordered, pointing at the kitchen floor.

He nodded his head obediently, he resembled an obedient little puppy. You almost pinched his cheeks and cooed at him.


You left the kitchen and managed to tip toe through the living room undetected and up the stairs managing to ascend the steps without causing any creaks from the squeaky board.

You grabbed two jackets and returned to Taehyung tossing one of them at him before putting on yours, and your flip flops and heading out the back door. He followed you out, the cold midnight air causing you guys to unconsciously walk close together, feeding off of each other's body heat.

Eventually Taehyung was now leading the way until he entered a park and waited for you to catch up with him. You walked with him, side by side to the swing set and took a seat on the squeaky swing, Taehyung just propped himself up against the metal pole that held up the swings.

"So, what?" You shoved your hands into your coat pockets.

Taehyung chose to cut to the chase and just dive right in.

"Y/N, I miss you. I miss you so much. I can't eat, I can't sleep, my grades are dropping, my friends are hating me more and more everyday. I can't get you out my head, I see you when you're not there, I hear your voice but when I turn around it's never you there waiting for me with that adorable smile, it's always just some random person in the hallway. And whenever I do manage to get a bit of sleep, the dreams that I have are filled with you."


"I need you Y/N, you're my everything. I don't know how long I can last without-"

"STOP!" Coming down from his rambling session, Taehyung actually took the time to look at you.

You were crying.

But he stupidly ignored it as a sign all he was doing to you was making you mad. He took it as a sign to keep going, he thought he was getting through to you, but he was wrong.

"Y/N all of this happened after I stopped talking to you."

"No, Taehyung, all of this happened because of YOU," you stood up and pushed him in the chest.

"YOU chose Lexi over me," another push, "YOU chose to cut me off," push, "YOU chose EVERY option possible to further the gap between us." Push.

"You're a fucking jerk, Kim Taehyung, I hate you!" you couldn't stop the tears from falling since gravity just didn't agree with you.

"I hate you, I hate you, I. Hate. You!" Every time you repeat the phrase you felt your heart tighten. In  reality you weren't crying out of hatred for Taehyung, you were crying out of hatred towards yourself.

Because on the outside you say you hate him. But on the inside, you say you hate yourself. Soon your, 'I hate you's turned into 'I hate me's.

Your pushes came to a stop, as you began shaking in his arms, "I hate myself so much, I tried, I really did. But it was all my fault to begin with. I told you not to talk to me in school anymore, I was the one who got scared, I was the one who didn't put up a fight, I just let those crazy bitches instill so much fear in me that I, pushed you, away. I'm sorry." Taehyung ran his hand through your hair, then tilted your chin up so that you were looking at him. He wiped your tears, and kissed your forehead.

"I'm sorry too, Y/N"


You sniffled, "what was that?"

"Probably just some headlights from a car, lets head back."

You and Taehyung walked back to your house, hand in hand, with no space in between each other.

You gained some relief after finding out that Taehyung still feels for you, but it wont erase the stain of betrayal he left on your heart when he chose Lexi over you.

You're still not giving up on your plan, even if in the end Taehyung isn't yours, it would immensely satisfy you to know that Lexi no longer had him.


"Seriously what is that?" You turned around, and saw nothing.

"Look there, its probably just that flickering street light. Anyways you're back home now."

You brushed off your thoughts and walked into your drive way, you saw two police officers on your lawn with their notepads out talking to Lexi. The rest of the guys were standing on your front porch, you mouthed the words 'what happened' to Jimin and he responded with a 'Lexi's crazy'.

Before you could question Jimin any further Lexi came rushing over to you, her boney, alien like, finger pointing at you.

"There she is! Arrest that bitch right now!"


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