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And you couldn't help but assume the worst.

You were at the hospital with Taehyung, waiting outside of his door for the doctor to give you permission to enter.

You were nervously biting on your nails, until you barely had any left.

Your knee bounced up and down in anxiousness.

Your stomach was hurting you terribly from the anticipation, and it didn't help that you haven't had a proper meal in so long.

The hospital offered you a small snack to hold you off for a bit more, but you didn't eat it. You were too nervous to consume anything, you would have just thrown it back up.

"Y/N? Y/N for Kim Taehyung?"

Your head popped up and you met the eyes of a doctor, she walked over to you.

"Y/N?" She asked.

"Yes, t-that's me." Your voice cracked due to the dryness of your throat.

She gave you a warm smile, "well, your friend is doing just fine, I had to stitch up a few deep cuts but other than that he was perfect. Also he'll be on crutches for a bit since his leg wound isn't fully healed, and if he walks on it it'll only get worse."

"Okay, Thanks Doctor..."

"...Jessi, Dr.Jessi." She smiled, "just make sure you take good care of him." She winked.

"O-okay I will." You held you head down forcing the heat back from your cheeks.

After the doctor walked away, you entered Taehyung's room.

"Woooow, there's my brave soldier." He gasped.

"Stop it Tae, really." Chuckling, you walked to him and sat on the edge of the bed.

It made you happy to see how radiant he was, especially after going through all of what happened earlier.

"Ah, Ah, Y/N. Ouch," he hissed.

You jumped up, "oh gosh are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

He giggled, "no, I was just playing around."

You scoffed, "you're unbelievable."

He grinned, "Thanks babe."

The atmosphere that was light and playful slowly regressed to a more serious nature.

"Tae, I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this. I shouldn't have insisted on going out. We should have just stayed home." You wrapped your arms around yourself for comfort.

But your arms were soon replaced by Taehyung's, when he slowly pulled you down into the bed with him.

"Y/N, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And no obstacle that comes our way will ever change that. Because at the end of the day, I'll still love you." He kissed your forehead.

"But Tae, look where we are. We're in a hospital! And you just got stitches! Because of me..." A tear escaped your eye.

"I should've stayed with my aunt, you would've had a better life without me."
It hurt you to say this, because you don't know how you would've functioned without Taehyung.

But you thought it was for the best.
You thought it was for his best.

"So, I called my aunt. I'm moving back in with her, and switching schools." More tears streamed down your face.

"She's on her way now to get me." You sniffled.

"So, you're leaving me?" He whispered.

Your heart ached at hearing those words, because the reality finally hit you.

"Tae, don't you think it's best?"

Before Taehyung could answer there was a knock on the door.

You wiped your tears, and your nose before allowing them to come in.

"Y/N, are you ready to go?"

It was your aunt.

"No. No, no, no." Taehyung blurted out.

You turned your head and saw Taehyung get up out of his bed and hop over to the door.

"Y/N's not going anywhere, but thanks for coming by!" He closed the door in your aunt's face.

"Taehyung! Are you crazy! Sit down you're gonna hurt yourself."

"Y/N stop!" He yelled.

You went quiet and actually started to listen.

He took a deep breath, then hopped back over to the bed and took a seat beside you.

"Look, Y/N. I'm not a piece of glass, I'm not gonna break so easily, you don't have to stress or worry about me too much." He cupped your face with his hand.

"You could never hurt me, if anything, you're what makes me stronger." He smiled at you.

And you couldn't help but smile back because his smile was that contagious.

"You know how school was for me. It was miserable, to the point where I didn't want to even show up for it anymore. But after the day I met you, school seemed like the most wonderful thing ever."

"Y/N, you never, at any point, made my life difficult. You made my life easier."

"You made it easier to laugh, you made it easier to smile. And most importantly you made it easier for me to be myself."

Hearing all of this made you overwhelmed. But it also made you realize that you were so stuck in your own head, that you were blind to the fact that Taehyung appreciates you, for you.

"Y/N, I truly do love you."

You were staring deep into Taehyung's eyes. And you were about to apologize for everything once again, but then that would mean everything Taehyung said went in one ear and out the other.

But it didn't, everything Taehyung said meant something to you. Every promise and every declaration of love, so instead of being stuck in your old ways, you decided to move on.

"Thank you, Taehyung. Thank you so much." You embraced him in a huge hug, which he returned.

Taehyung was the one who separated the hug, but it was so that he could gaze deep into your eyes, caress your cheek, and lean in for a whole hearted kiss.

One that would linger on your lips, forever.

Oof, is it too cliche??

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