Arc 4.9

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Roren made the Division Chief bring clothes for Kyuwa and then they said their goodbyes. Both Demons took flight and had Kyuwa show them the way. Fortunately he had been practicing with his wings prior to being kidnapped so, although he was slower than the other two, he was still able to lead them towards his Home. 

Both flanked his sides regardless of whether they were flying or taking a break. 

"Won't you be needed since you're the King," Kyuwa asked Roren as they took another break. They were getting closer to the Forest and merely had another half a days travel before they reached the outskirts of the Forest.

"Not really. If I didn't know how to form crystallized Demonic Energy and strong as well, they'd never have agreed to listening to my orders," Roren answered.

"But.. wouldn't they just get rid of you after you gave them the crystals?"

Kyuwa ran his finger through Roren's hair and lightly touched the horn curved around his ear as he laid in Kyuwa's lap. Ara was leaning his head against his left shoulder as they took their rest.

"No. I have to remake the crystals once a month."

"Don't you get tired?"

"Look," he said before holding up his hand and Kyuwa watched as the energy in the surroundings began seeping into Roren's body before coalescing in his hand.

"Wow, that looked really easy!"

"It's not," Ara said next to his ear before continuing, "It requires someone with complete control of their energy to do that. None of the Demons have gotten to this level yet, not even myself."

"Huh... maybe because of your energy level you were able to slightly remember our past lives," Kyuwa said to Roren as his fingers slid around the horn on his right ear and moved to touch the pointed tip of his ear. 

"Do you find my horns fascinating?"

"Well, this is the first time you've had added appendages on your body," Kyuwa said as though thinking about the differences of the bodies. 

"Oh! What about me, Lover? Do I have added ones too?"

"Of course you do. In previous lives, we were merely normal humans," Kyuwa explained.

"Blegh! Who would want to be a normal human," Ara pouted and rubbed his face into Kyuwa's shoulder as though seeking comfort. 

"I don't think I would mind as long as you were beside me," Roren announced as he stared up at his Mate. 

Kyuwa looked back at him and gave a slight smile before leaning forward to capture his Mate's lips. They were slightly hotter than normal body temperature but the inside tasted like sweet nectar. When Kyuwa began panting, Ara pulled him away from Roren; he was in a sort of daze and didn't realize what was happening at first.

"You probably shouldn't taste any of our body fluids if you're not prepared for penetration," Ara commented as Kyuwa began waking from his stupor.

"What was that," he panted out as his heart was racing in his chest.

"We're incubi, Lover. Our body fluids are a form of aphrodisiac. If you were a normal human, you'd have continued in that lustful state until you collapsed. Instead it merely made you want to have sex for a few minutes."

Kyuwa rubbed his face and licked his lips to try and get one last taste of his Mate but it was futile. Ara leaned forward and gave him a slight kiss on the lips without tongue before pulling away. Even if Kyuwa pouted they wouldn't continue since they were currently out in the open and close to the Human territory; it wouldn't be smart to lose focus when they had to protect their Mate and child.

System: Transcending Happiness (BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora