Chapter 9 : Snow days

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"Kookie?" I called out his name

"Hmm?" He looked back at me

"Would you like to stay over tonight?" I asked him nervously

"Really ? Will your mom be okey with it ?" He asked

"Yeah she won't mind having you besides you gave a good first impression and she likes you" I replied

"Well then I'll go to the dorm and bring something to wear for the night" he said smiling at me

I nodded but an idea popped in my head all of the sudden

"Hey why don't we just invite all of the boys in here ? We could have a sleep over and have fun" I suggested

"Great idea I'll tell them in fact we have a week off the ' BTS work ' they wouldn't mind relaxing with us" he said enjoying the idea

"Well great okey" I said and went inside

"Mom ?" I called out my mom

"In here honey" She called from her room

"What are you doing ? Going somewhere ? " I asked as I watched her packing a suitcase

"Yes dear I'll be travelling with your dad to Australia for a week for some business" she said cupping my cheeks

"Okey .. by the way mom can I have some friends over tonight ?"

"Boys or girls ?" My dad popped out from the washroom

"Well boys!" I said "one of them is my boyfriend and the others are his friends we got really close in school " I explained

"Are they trustful? Are you sure they could protect you and take care of you?" My dad asked grabbing my shoulder gently

"Positive" I replied with high confidence

"Okey then well you have fun you should have all what you need I did some shopping " my mom said kissing my forehead

"By sweetie we'll miss you " they both said before getting in the car and driving off

My phone buzzed I grabbed it and saw that I had a message from kookie

We'll be here in 10 all the boys r coming

K I'm waiting

After around 10 minutes the doorbell rang I answered the door and was greeted by the best seven things that happened to me since I moved here

I let them in and they all started looking over the place looking amazed at how beautiful and large the house was

"My parents are in a business trip for a week do we have the house for ourselves"

I showed them their rooms. We had 3 spare rooms each with two separate beds . Jin and Namjoon shared one same for yoongi / Hoseok and jimin/Taehyung jungkook was left alone so I suggested for him to sleep in my parents' room He nodded and placed his bag on the bed

They all changed and headed down stairs we gathered in the living room the turned on the TV it was on news' channel
'Flash news:A snow storm is coming starting from tonight and will last for a week. Schools will be closed for a week '

We looked at each other shocked for a few seconds before we all started screaming and cheering at the good news

"Hey hey hey guys !!"I calmed them down " Why don't y'all stay over the whole week ?"

"Sounds great for me " Namjoon said 
"As long as I get to sleep comfortably I'm more than okey with it "yoongi joined

"If I get to eat the food you make Y/N then I'll be happy to stick around" Jin commented

"I like your company Y/N so I have to agree " Hoseok joined

"Me too Y/N I would like to stay over " Taehyung said

"You know me I'll be more than happy to spend time all of you guys" Jimin stated

"Don't look at me ! You already know that if I could I would spend years with you in this house " Jungkook said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

Cheesy ass.

"Well that will be a hell of a week " I said in korean

"Wait what ? You can speak korean?"Yoongi asked as his small eyes widened

"Yeah I can Listen ..."I told them the whole situation and they all nodded and smiled at me bit still I told them to speak English to me at school though so that I don't get busted by all the students or teachers.

The day passed and it was so much fun we just watched movies and played games we also ate together. This will last for a week


"Where did Jin go ?" I asked as I walked to the boys in the living room after washing dinner dishes

"He had to go back to our dorm to pack more clothes for us since we're staying longer here" Taehyung explained

"I see .." I went to sit beside Jungkook who welcomed me with a wide smile and opened arms. I gladly threw my self in his arms and rested my head on his shoulders while his arms were wrapped around my waist and we both were under a blanket

We heard a knock on the door. Jimin stood up to answer the door it was Jin
"Hey I'm back" he said holding two suitcases

We all greeted him as he took the suitcases to the rooms and went back to join us

"Thank you guys for staying with me I would've been bored if you weren't here" I said looking at the boys

They all replied in 'Aww' pulling me for a group hug and saying it was nothing and that I meant so much to them. And I was greatful . In the corner of my eye I saw that Yoongi didn't come to hug me like the others so I looked at him.

"I don't hug people it's not Swag " He said leaning against the back of the couch

"Oh yes you do" I smirked and walked over to him

"No I do Not ! Don't come any closer " he said getting up from the couch and taking steps back

"C'mon one hug won't hurt" I said opening my arms and stepping forward to him

"Girl I'm warning you " he said blushing

I eventually took a few steps faster and hugged him making him shocked
The boys were laughing their lungs off but he just glared at them making them shut up and hugged back. We pulled away very quick

I had the largest smirk on my face

"Don't look at me like that !" Yoongi said sitting back on the couch

I just laughed at his swag and went back to jungkook's arms

This day was awesome

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