The Guy Who Gave Up His Jersey(6)

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He dropped me off at the school without telling me a word. After telling him off we both got in the car and didn’t say a word to one other. We were both aggravated with each other, and the last thing we wanted to do was provoke another fight.

The entire ride back I had to fight back the tears. I knew one day someone would have the courage to tell me I’m a bitch, but I never thought it would come from Alejandro.

I pulled out my Iphone dialing Gabriela.

“What’s up?” She answered, after the second ring.

“Call the girls and meet me at the library,” I responded, walking towards the school.

She stayed quiet for a moment. “Why do I feel like you’re mad?” She questioned me.

I was mad…NO! I was furious. If Alejandro wanted to see the true bitch I could be than he would see it.

“Just call the girls and bring me the play book.” I snapped, pressing the end button.

Every time we had our secret meetings; they were always in school. Everything we always talked about how to be away from society, and it wasn’t because our conversations were important. If anyone from school heard our business by the next day the entire school would know about it.

Roosevelt High is an enormous school; over five thousand students attend. So if a secret you didn’t want anyone to know about happened to slip out, by the next morning the school would know about it.

Demi, Olive and Gabriela walked into the library; they all had a worried expression on their faces. When they saw me sitting on top on the table, thinking, they knew it was bad.

In Gabriela’s right hand she was carrying Starbucks drinks, while in the other hand she carried the book. They all stood in front of me, looking at me carefully.

“What’s wrong? Why did you call us here?” Gabriela asked me.

Demi scoffed. “By the face expression you have on; I can tell you’re planning something wicked.” She smirked, evilly.

I looked up at them, rubbing my hands together. “I want revenge,” I responded, angrily.

“Revenge on whom?” Olive asked me, curiously.

A small smirk curved on my lips. “The players’.” I whispered.

They stared at one another before looking back at me.

 “You want to get revenge on the players?” Gabriela asked me stupidly.

“I think you want revenge on Alejandro.” Demi responded, taking her drink from the cup holder.

“What did he do?” Olive said, rubbing her temples.

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