The Guy Who Gave Up His Jersey(29)

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I felt as a hot wind hit my neck causing chills to go down my spine, I twisted my body around and a pair of warm lips landed on my eye. I groan quietly opening my right eye, Ale laid next to me, legs in between mine, and arms around my waist.

Last night events flashed back in my head and a lough sigh escaped my lips. It wasn’t a bad dream, Mindy did die, and Ale was suffering. For once, I wish when I go through something bad just turns out to be a bad dream.

“I know you’re awake,” I spoke, clearing my throat when it cracked.

Ale opened one of his eye’s and looked at me, before shutting it close again. “Can you leave me here to die?” He asked me, quietly.

“Nope, because than I would have to die with you,” I responded running my fingers through his black hair.

He sighed. “Why does this feel so unreal? It doesn’t even feel like she’s gone and you’re here.” He whispered touching my cheek with his warm fingertips.

I knew how he felt, this entire thing felt fake, almost as if time had stopped and made everything go slow. I had dreamt so many nights having Ale in my arms and now that I do, it doesn’t feel real. Why did Mindy have to die for us to be with one another?

“How did you know I was here?” He questioned me.

“I didn’t. I was hoping you would be here and to my surprise you were. You passed out on her bed.” I replied.

After I had made sure he was okay and not hurt, I sat there crying. Last night was when it finally sink in that this was happening, Mindy had died, and my parents were actually divorce. The reality of my surroundings finally made sense to me, I no longer had to keep feeling the agony of pretending this wasn’t real, because it was. My life had changed and I accepted it.

I had laid down next to him, waiting for him to wake up again but I knocked out as well. You could see we had finally slept in the same bed as one another.

He turns around facing towards the ceiling. “It’s weird, how she always tried to keep us together.” I heard him say. “She always wanted me and you to be a couple, but that never happened.”

“Mindy, Mindy was crazy, she always wanted to put people together even when they didn’t belong with each other.” I whispered, closing my eyes for a second.

“Do you think we belong together?” He questioned me suddenly.

The question was bound to pop up eventually, but I didn’t think it would be this soon. I didn’t have time to actually process it well and know what I wanted. Ale, he was special, no doubt he made an impact on my life. But the question that bothered me was, did I want him because I missed someone annoying me? Was what I wanted Lust or love?

“I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I really don’t know,”

He nodded. “Good because at this point I don’t know either,” I watched him as he got up and walked out the room.

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