The Guy Who Gave Up His Jersey(28)

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The metal doors opened and rushing through them I tried my best to stay calm. The entire plane ride here I begged God not to take Mindy away, she didn’t deserve to die. My legs wobbled as I approached Cindy; her eyes were swollen from all the crying she had done.

She didn’t even tell me anything she just grabbed onto my arm and lead me to the room. Alejandro stepped out of the room with tears in his eyes, our gaze met with one another before I rushed into the room.

Mindy lay on the bed with machines connected on her from all over the place. My heart pounded loudly against my chest when I saw that she was literally dying. Her once tan skin was pale, and she had bruises all over her face. Through the thick white blanket a small blood stain passed through it.

Her brown eyes snapped at me, a small smile appeared on her face and she motioned me to come closer to her. I hesitated I was afraid if I walked any closer to her she would break, I was scared she would die.

“I was waiting for you.” Her voice came out raspy.

“W-what happened?” I asked her, holding back the tears.

She took in a deep breathe, looking up in the ceiling. “Greg and I were going back home from a party when a girl passed the stop sign. The car flipped over and we crashed into a construction zone.” She whispered.

“But you’re going to be okay, right?” I begged her.

“Come here,” She ordered me.

I walked slowly up to her, looking down at her my eyes filled with tears once again. Mindy was the sister I never had, she was always there for me when I needed her. When I moved to Spain she even came and visit my mom and I, she said she would never forget about me. And I believed her.

She placed her warm hand on top of mine giving it a small squeeze. “Don’t cry.” She muttered. “Things happen for a reason,” She assured me.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Falling off a bike, breaking up with your boyfriend are things that happen for a reason. People dying aren’t just things that happen for a reason,” I corrected.

“Everything that life put us through is for a reason,” She said again. “But I didn’t wait for you to get here just to see you sad. I want you to listen to me.” She gasped.

She took in another breathe, proceeding on with what she was saying. “I can’t leave this earth without you seeing that you’re in love with my brother.” She said, smiling at me.

Even when she was dying Mindy wanted everyone to be happy, why was she worried about me and Alejandro. We would be okay as long as she was fine; instead of worrying about what happened between us she needed to get better. For once she needed to think about herself.

I chuckled. “Mindy you need to just worry about-“

“I can’t leave without you promising me that you will give Ale a chance,” She said again.

The Guy Who Gave Up His JerseyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora