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Makoto was happily surprised at seeing Kokomi struggling to breath a little less.
He sprinted from the room, almost bumping into Saiki's invisible form, going to find the doctor.
Kokomi's eyes began to flutter behind her closed eyelids.
Gradually her eyes crept open.
Saiki felt his eyes widen in shock, her eyes were glassy and dull compared to her usual bright and lively blue.
At that moment Saiki noticed that his invisibility is starting to wear off, he knew he needed to leave and fast.
But, he could not find it in himself to move.
Her dull eyes fell to him.
Her voice croaked out a small soft "Saiki"
Her lips curled into a small soft smile, that was filled with so much affection  and warmth it left Saiki speechless.
He came back to himself when he heard footsteps outside the door, approaching fast.
He used his telepathy to send a sleep song into Kokomi's mind, effectively putting her into a deep sleep.
Then right before the door slammed open, he teleported home.

Makoto was overjoyed, the doctor said it was a miracle.
Kokomi is doing a lot better, he is told.
So despite still being angry that not only is Kokomi in love with someone who is not him, the idiot she is in love with does not love her back, he is happier than he was earlier.

Saiki, for the first time in his entire life, felt guilty.
He felt like he should have put an end to Teruhashi's crush on him before it got to this point.
While he was not the type of person to dwell on the past.
Saiki, for some reason, could not get his mind off of Teruhashi laying in that hospital bed, her pale face, her lips parted while she struggled to breathe around the growing thorns.
At this point Saiki found himself hoping that her creepy brother would go against her wishes and make her have the surgery, but he knew that Makoto would not put his sister through that.

Over the next week Saiki went to Teruhashi's hospital room every night and turned back time in her body by one day.
It did not make her better, it just kept her from dieing until she got fed up and had the surgery.
That was Saiki's plan anyway, he did not know what else to do.
Saiki found himself missing Teruhashi, he had grown used to her always coming up to him and trying to find excuses to be with him.
And now she was gone, and the only time he saw her was when he was keeping her from death.

Despite throwing up a mix of flower petals and blood everyday, Kokomi felt good.
The thorns have seemingly stopped growing.
The doctors say that it is extremely rare and that it seems to be a good sign.
But he also says that she should not get her hopes up, her condition could go back to how it was last week.
The doctor says that there is an extremely high chance that Kokomi will die, and he is pushing even more for the surgery which she is still refusing to have.

Word soon gets out about Teruhashi being in the hospital, so crowds quickly swarm around the hospital trying to get in and see her.
They do not know why she is in there, which leads to ridiculous theories about what they believe is wrong with her.
Saiki is fed up with it, the crowd makes it harder to sneak in and help Teruhashi.

Two more days of having to avoid the swarm of Teruhashi fans and Saiki is fed up.
So Saiki uses his telepathy powers to send a message to them saying that Teruhashi is on vacation and not in hospital.
He watched and sighed a breath of relief as the crowd of people became confused as to why they were there, and began to walk away from the hospital.

By the second week Saiki was getting frustrated, this time it was his self proclaimed 'friends'.
Since he has been going to the hospital after school, he had to decline their invitations of going out together which only made them more insistent.
He did feel bad about constantly avoiding them and denying their invitations but Saiki figured that Teruhashi's health was more important.
Even his parents were beginning to think that something was wrong when his friends kept on coming round the house to see Saiki more often than usual.
So of course Saiki told his parents about Teruhashi's condition, and since his parents are the lovely people they are, they promised to lie to his friends about where he was, while tears streamed down their faces because of how proud they were of their son.

Saiki always dreaded this part of the day, watching Teruhashi decay into a pale hollow shell of herself.
But he had to wait until twenty four hours have passed before he could use this power again.
After another minute of watching her waste away, twenty four hours have passed since the last time he did this.
Saiki put his hand out in front of him and his eyes glowed.
When he saw Teruhashi breath a little better, he teleported home.

The next day, after visiting Teruhashi, Saiki came home to a surprise.
Makoto, Kokomi's brother was sitting in his living room with the angriest face Saiki had ever seen.
All Saiki thought was "what a pain".

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