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Saiki did not visit the next day, but he did confirm that she was okay using his clairvoyance.
He spent his day focusing on his work and basically doing anything to avoid thinking about Kokomi, but of course that was impossible at this school, where she is all everyone ever thinks about.
Ever since Kokomi has not been at school, everyone has been less active and in a constant state of misery.
Even with Hairo trying to motivate everyone, it seems that without Kokomi no one has the energy to more than the minimum required at school.
The teachers are also more drained than usual, so much so that a lot of the time teachers did not even bother coming to class.
Smiles are rare and laughs even rarer.
Even though it has only been a day since Saiki had seen Kokomi, he also found himself missing her too.
Saiki looked back down at his work, trying and failing to ignore the thoughts of his classmates who's entire focus was on Kokomi.

Kokomi had not seen Saiki in two days now and had not answered any of her texts.
Unable to hold in the feeling of loneliness any longer, Kokomi chocked out a sob followed by a flood of tears that quickly dripped over her rose red cheeks and crept under her chin then dripped down to her lap.
She did not stop sobbing until her eyes were bright red and the backs of her hands were covered in tears that she had rubbed away.

It has been four days since Saiki has talked to Kokomi, he still checked on her everyday to see her condition and while she still has sharp thorns in her throat she no longer throws up pink rose petals.
This worried Saiki since the only ways that she could get better if if she either had surgery, which she did not, or that her love for him was no longer unrequited.
Which led Saiki to have thoughts like 'but I do not have feelings for Teruhashi, do I?'

At day five Kokomi was fed up.
She got dressed and left the house after telling her brother that she was going out.
She arrived at Saiki's house at a time she knew he would be home and pressed the doorbell.

Saiki knew Kokomi was at his front door and he knew that normally he would just teleported away and avoid her, but he found that he did not want to.
He wanted to talk to her, Saiki was still shocked by this fact.
He heard his mum open the door and invite her in.
"send her up to my room" Saiki telepathically sent to his mother.

As Kokomi entered Saiki's room she was suddenly filled with doubts and fears about how the conversation will go.
She saw him sitting in a chair next to his desk but it was facing where she was standing in the doorway, Saiki was expecting her she realised.
Pushing her nervousness away and putting on a brave face Kokomi spoke first, "why Kusuo, just when we were getting on better than we ever had, do you suddenly start avoiding me?" she questioned her brave face already falling away to reveal a heartbroken and lonely girl.
Saiki found it hard to look at.
"I am sorry for ignoring your texts and not visiting you" he said genuinely apologetic.
"you did not answer my question" Kokomi stubbornly said.
Saiki sighed before answering with "because you were getting better and to be honest, it scared me".
"why would me getting better scare you?" Kokomi thought out loud before realisation hit her and her face became bright red in a matter of seconds and her smile was so wide it looked like it hurt.
Uncomfortable with the quick flip of emotions, Saiki looked away.
Kokomi walked closer to Saiki agonisingly slow.
She stopped a meter in front of him, hesitating.
"Kusuo?" she forced out.
He looked up, and stared in to her big blue hopeful eyes.
He sighed and stood up.
"look I don't know how I feel, and while yeah I like spending time with you but, romantically? That's what I do not know" Saiki ranted telepathically.
"then don't think about it so much, go with how you feel in the moment" Kokomi suggested her smile softer now.
She held out her hand to Saiki.
"try it, what's the harm in just giving something a go" she spoke confidently.
Saiki felt defeated for the first time in his life, he was once again reminded that no one can win against Kokomi.
Saiki took her soft and small hand in his.
"okay, lets give it a try" Saiki sent telepathically giving a small rare smile.

After doctor confirmed that there was no longer any signs of thorns in her lungs it, was not long after, that Kokomi came back to school which of course instantly caused everyone to suddenly gain all of there previously lost energy.

When she did came back to school she no longer held up the perfect pretty girl persona, she was just herself.
And after two weeks of being at school, everyone found out that Kokomi and Kusuo were dating.
Which did cause some trouble, but after the Teruhashi fan club got involved and declared that her happiness was above all else, things calmed down.

At Kusuo and Kokomi's three month anniversary he finally voiced his love, but he did it telepathically.

Only when it was six months into their relationship did Kusuo reveal his psychic powers and while it was a major shock at first, she adjusted quickly.

And after two years together they got married and exchanged vows of love and honesty.
During the wedding Kusuo's parents were crying and thinking 'I never thought I would ever see my little ku getting married'.
Both their brothers however were not invited to the wedding.

As Kusuo looked at Kokomi he realised he regretted nothing.
In the end he kind of always knew this would happen anyway, ever since she fell in love with him, because Teruhashi always gets what she wants and this time Kusuo found that he did not mind it.

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