Chapter 14

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"Shit" he mumbled under his breath.

The hunters were getting away, but did he hate Yasmin that much to leave her behind to get attacked? The three pairs of eyes slowly walked closer from within the woods, and Jaden growled spotting them. He recognized these three wolves. The large brown one with brown eyes and the scar over its nose was especially one he couldn't forget. After all, he was one of the three leaders of the warriors back in the pack.

Yasmin's growling grew louder as she backed up. Jaden followed her, assessing the situation, as the wolves lined up watching them. Yasmin projected an image of them running, and Jaden agreed as she tensed. In front of them, the brown wolf growled adopting a stance similar to Yasmin, and the grey and black wolves followed suit.

Before they could follow them Jaden reached into his waistband and pulled out a small short knife. Flicking his wrist he launched it at the attacking wolf in his shoulder. He never traveled without a weapon, especially since rogues kept coming through town.

The distraction gave them enough time to run. They poured on speed until the trees blurred behind them. Yasmin ran faster than Jaden since she was already a wolf. He stripped off his clothes behind her preparing to shift mid-run. Better he took them off since he'd need those for later he thought. The muscles in his body quaked and shifted, and bones cracked as they realigned.

He'd been a wolf long enough that it didn't cause him great pain anymore, but it was still uncomfortable. Once he shifted he caught up to Yasmin, and matched her speed, as they evaded trees and the wolves behind them.

'About time, but why are we running when we can fight them?' Yasmin asked growling.

I'm the only trained fighter here and there's three of them' Jaden growled back, swerving to avoid trees and a cluster of bushes.

'They're from the pack; you know what that means'

Jaden knew all too well, and unfortunately, they saw them. There was no way to hide now. They knew where they had been hiding. He heard the wolves splitting off from each other behind them, and knew they were going to try surrounding them.

'This way' he projected to Yasmin. Spinning on his hind legs and pushing off, they went in the opposite direction.

It was the exact same direction the brown wolf was running, and he heard the wolf skid to a stop in front of them. Putting on more speed Jaden raced by him, leaving the wolf looking after him. They put distance between themselves and the other three wolves, or so he thought until another wolf appeared in front of them, blocking the path. Growling he turned to the left, but was met was another wolf there, they were surrounded. Backing up until he stood side by side with Yasmin they both crouched, growling at the 4 wolves who did the same. Only the brown wolf walked forward watching carefully.

'Jaden Knight former warrior. You know why we're here.' The brown wolf projected with his thoughts.

Jaden growled glared at the wolf, but he wasn't phased.

'Where is Mason Lowe?' he demanded.

'How should I know?' Jaden snapped, making the wolves around them growl.

This was very bad. He didn't think they'd come to collect tonight. He could try fighting, but he was out of practice. Unlike these wolves, not to mention outnumbered him and Yasmin.

'Alpha Olivia has waited for you both to turn yourselves in. If Mason doesn't plan on declaring alpha status, then you are to be killed'

'Olivia's playing alpha now? Didn't know that because her mate was killed she'd get that position' Jaden thought trying to think his way out of their problem. Maybe he did need to fight.

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