Chapter 21

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"For the last time April drop your center of gravity or you'll keep tripping over your own feet. Troy keep your hands up unless you like getting punched. Henry, I heard you skip from 40 to 70 pushups do it again, and Lily..." Jaden said pausing to look down at the wide-eyed blonde little girl. "Yes, you can take a break" he finished with a sigh.

The others complained and groaned at that, but he shut them up with a glare. Since Mason was busy with Valentina, Jaden was in charge of babysitting the rogues that day. Jaden didn't have any younger siblings, in fact, he used to have an older brother; so, his patience for children was getting tested today.

Since he was put in charge he figured what's the best way to bond with kids than exercise. They wanted protection, so he'd teach them something to use for themselves. It was the perfect time in his opinion and yet they kept complaining.

"Can we stop now?" April asked panting with her hands on her knees.

She pushed her dark copper hair behind her hair, and Troy who had been sparring with her looked at Jaden. They had been doing some mock punches for an hour now, but he knew they could go on longer. They just weren't used to the workout.

"I thought you guys wanted to learn how to protect yourselves?" he asked sighing. Lily moved his hand on top of her head, he awkwardly patted it. She was touchy he realized, but didn't know how to handle it.

"We do, but sitting here and doing pushups, and throwing fake punches won't help us" Henry snapped standing up and glaring at Jaden.

He was a problem. If it was something he didn't like he'd complain and challenge Jaden and attempt winning the others over.

"Yeah I don't understand how this will help against hunters or other rogues," April said exasperatedly while Troy only watched.

Like right now. Henry wanted to be in charge, and most times April followed his lead. Troy stayed to himself while Lily clung to Jaden 85% of the time. Henry's obstinance made Jaden wonder why he was here in the first place.

"We should be training with our actual claws and fangs," Henry said letting his claws grow out.

He was attempting to intimidate Jaden but of course, he wasn't fazed. Jaden has watched his families hearts get pulled out their chest when he was only 5. So a young rogue with a bad attitude wasn't going to scare him.

"You need to start small before you can practice with that stuff" he explained.

"That's bullshit, you guys don't actually want us to protect ourselves. That's why Masons gone and we're stuck with you" Henry continued walking closer to Jaden.

"I like you Jaden," Lily said holding his hand.

"Thank you, Lily. Henry almost hurt my feelings with that one," Jaden said.

Bristling Henry didn't appreciate his sarcasm and growled "I'll even prove it"

"Henry wait!" April called surprised, and Troy watched brown eyes wide with surprise.

Detatcing Lily from his side, Jaden easily sidestepped Henry's lunge. Turning his body he caught his arm in his hands and bent it at an angle behind Henry's back. Just as fast as it started Henry was on his knees kneeling and cried out in pain since Jaden had him pinned.

He heard April gasp behind him and rolled his eyes. It's not like he was going to dislocate his shoulder, although the thought was tempting.

"You can barely dodge me or break out of my grasp and I didn't even use a quarter of my speed. Hunters aren't as fast as wolves, but they're faster than normal humans. In the split second, I grabbed you a bullet could've pierced you ten times over. Claws and fangs won't do anything if you don't have the speed or power to manipulate them." Jaden warned releasing Henry who stayed kneeling down.

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