Chapter 22

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"Two vanilla cones and one chocolate, please. I'm telling you V it's not right that he left you there with no way to get home." Phoebe said handing the woman behind the counter a $20 to pay for their cones.

Valentina took chocolate for herself and gave the Vanilla to Mateo. He bounced with a wide smile once he received the ice cream. He didn't need the sugar right now, but Valentina thought they could all use some getting out the house. Especially when her parents were busy again dealing with the other hunters. She sat at the white table in the window of the gelato shop pulling a chair for Mateo.

"Well he was dealing with his dad, and I only brought it up to thank you for taking me home that night," she defended.

Phoebe shook her head offering Mateo sprinkles for his cone. "Phebes he really doesn't need that much sugar, he'll be bouncing everywhere now"

"Don't worry, Mateo loves it and promises to be good. Right?" she asked, and Mateo nodded making Phoebe smile poking his stomach to tickle him.

Phoebe had come over once her classes were done and wanted to hang out with Valentina and her brother. Plus, she loved being with kids, so she didn't mind watching him with her. It also gave Phoebe an excuse to avoid her parents while they argued.

"Do you like this guy?" She asked licking her ice cream and Valentina coughed chocking on her cone.

"Like him? We barely know each other, I'll admit he's attractive, but I'd prefer to get to know someone first"

"I don't know, you told me he made it up to you the other day?" Phoebe asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing more happened, he just took me out"

"On what sounds like a date," Phoebe said giving a bright smile to her friend.

Valentina felt a warmth in her chest at the thought. After she had gotten home she did realize it sounded like a date when you told someone else. Clearing her throat, she licked more chocolate ice cream.

"I don't know Phoebe, maybe...something is there. But, he could be some crazy person with how little I know of him. I'm not rushing into anything. Especially not now with college and my parent's" Valentina said.

She didn't mention her parents were hunters and her learning about wolves. Her training hasn't been going on for very long, only a few days in fact, but she's learning more about the wolves every day. All those factors put the idea of boyfriends on the backburner for her. Even if there was a physical attraction to him, mental mattered to her also.

"Good, wouldn't want you ending up like me. I admit I have a poor choice," Phoebe said getting a thoughtful look in her eyes.

As she used to tell Valentina she had the tendency to pick douchebags, and it was why now her friend took time to herself. Even if they ask for her number at the many parties she went to. Phoebe also wanted to dedicate her time more towards her studies.

Valentina thought about Mason not sure what she felt for the guy. But then shrugged off thinking about it too much.

"That aside what's up? What else have you been doing? I haven't seen you much on campus. Not to mention although I love the money I'm getting covering your shifts I'm lonely without my best friend there. Heather cant communicate a sentence unless it's on her phone." Phoebe said rolling her eyes at their coworker.

"I've told you the only interesting thing lately. Other than that I've been talking to my parents a little more" Valentina said revealing enough but not too much.

"They're not busy like they used to be?" Phoebe asked, and passed a napkin to Mateo telling him he dropped ice cream on his shirt.

"They are, they're just including me a little more is all"

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