Part 5 - May 6th

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I spent the next few days with Atticus and my mom. 

What a blast. 

No, but really. 

We went around to different museums, saw Disneyland, and even visited the Hollywood sign. 

I probably would've enjoyed more if it wasn't 90 degrees and jam packed. 

It was the fourth day of the vacation and I was exhausted. 

My legs felt like fire. 

My feet felt like fire. 

I felt like fire.

I flopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. 

12:08 AM.  

I sighed and buried my face in a pillow. I enjoyed LA, but I was so bored. 

"Emili," my mom said. "You look tired. Sleep."

No, I was going to party. 

"M'Kay," I said. "Good night." 

I turned on my side, closed my eyes, and after a few minutes fell asleep, the noise and lights from outside pouring into the room.    


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. 

Gosh, I needed to change that sound. 

Looking around, I saw Atticus and my mom sleeping.

It was 6:32. 

Don't you make the same mistake, Emili, don't you dare leave without telling them.  

Sighing, I walked to the bathroom, washed up, and got ready. 

When I got out, Atticus was up. He was sitting on the bed, staring a hole into the wall. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Atticus," I said, waving my hand in front of his face. "You okay?" 

He blinked twice. "Yeah, I'm fine."

'Kay then. 

I sat back down on my bed and grabbed a book from my bag. 

Sense and Sensibility  by Jane Austen. 

Old, but good. 

After a few minutes, my mom woke up. 

She got up out of bed, silent, and entered the bathroom , closing the door behind her. 

"Good morning, mother!" I called, smirking.

She mumbled something back. 

What a morning person. 

By the time everyone was ready (which took a while), we left for breakfast. Of course, Atticus and my mom, being the boring people they were, decided to eat at the hotel's restaurant. 

We stepped into the buffet line, each grabbing a warm plate. Both Atticus and I grabbed some fruit from the first tray, along with a couple of golden hash browns. 

"Mom, are you going to eat anything?" I asked her, as we had just passed by half of the buffet, yet her plate was spotless. 

"Maybe," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. "I heard that there is an omelet bar at the end. I might get something from there."

I smiled. "Okay then."

After grabbing a quick bowl of oatmeal, I found a table and sat down in the cushioned seat, Atticus behind me. 

Within a few minutes, my mom had arrived an omelet, waffle, and glass of milk with her.

My parents began an extremely uninteresting conversation on their job and the conference they were heading to later. I sighed, picking at my food. 

After around fifteen long minutes, we had finished our breakfast. We left the hotel, entering the immense heat and sunlight of late morning Los Angeles. 

Time for another adventure, I guess.    

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