Part 25 - May 20th

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I paced the room back and forth, my phone clutched in my right hand.

Just call him.

I don't wanna.

Just call him already!

I'm scared .

I couldn't make myself call Yoongi.

What would his reaction be?

Sighing, I threw the phone on the bed and flopped down next to it.


I closed my eyes, my makeup sticking to my face in the heat.

"Emili! Open up!" My mom shouted from outside.

Groaning, I sat up and opened the door.

"How was breakfast today?" I asked.

"Fine," Atticus replied. "You wanna go out for a bit?"

I shrugged.


"Let's get going," he said.

I grabbed my still on phone and shoved it in my back pocket. Heading out of the room, my mom closed the door and we headed outside to do whatever.

A few minutes later as we walked into the sticky humid atmosphere of Los Angeles, I felt my denim shorts vibrating. I took my phone out to see a call from Yoongi.

I almost dropped my phone.

"Em, you okay?" My mom asked for I had stopped walking.

I looked up, perplexed, and replied. "Y-Yeah. Um, I have to talk this call. You guys go, I'm coming."

Atticus nodded. "We'll be at the shop at the end of the street."

My hand shaking, I swiped to answer the call, sitting down at a nearby bench.

"Hello?" A quiet voice sounded from the other side of the line.

"Yoongi?" I asked, trying to control the emotions in my voice.

"Yes, Emili," he sighed. "You called?"

I knit my eyebrows. "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. About a minute ago."

I checked my recently called.


I butt dialed him.

How embarrassing.

"Oh, um, that was a mistake," I said.

"Oh." His voice grew even quieter. "I guess I'll go then."

"Wait, Yoongi," I said. "Um, d-do you want to talk?"

He paused. "Okay."

"First of all, congrats on your award," I said, butterflies floating in my stomach.

I could hear him smile.


"Um, second of all," I swallowed. "Yoongi, where are you right now?"

"I'm watching you talk to me from my hotel room."

My eyes grew wide as I located the hotel building.

Oh my gosh.

What was my life?

I forced a smile.

"Wonderful," I mustered. "Just wonderful. Um, do you want to meet up later today?"

I sat in suspense, waiting for Yoongi to reply.

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