Part 12 - May 10th

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That was the first thing I remembered of the morning.

"Ouch," I said, rubbing my head. I had fallen off my bed straight on to the floor.


I got up off of the ground and tasted something metalic.


My worst enemy.

I walked into the bathroom, yawning, and opened my mouth. The inside of my lip was bleeding.


I walked out, grabbed some clothes, washed up, and dressed. By now, I didn't have to leave a note for my mom. She knew I was leaving.

Before walking out the door, I grabbed a wad of paper towels from the bathroom and the empty ice bin. Then I left. I headed to the seventh floor where the ice machine was located. I got some ice from the machine, letting it into the bin. I grabbed a couple of pieces and wrapped them in the paper towel, shoving it on to my red lip. I took the elevator back up to my floor, slipped back into my room, and placed the now full ice bin on the dresser.

Now, I was going to leave.

For sure.

I put my earbuds in and walked to Café New.

I really hoped Yoongi wasn't there.

Honestly, he didn't seem like a bad person, but he sure was a weird one. He barely ever spoke, he always gave me the most ridiculous phrases to translate, and acted as if he was a celebrity.

Really, who did he think he was?

Because, I don't want to sound rude, but I didn't care.

As I entered the café, I sat down at a table and ordered a croissant and espresso.


While I shuffled my music, I heard a large commotion.

Was something happening?

I peeked out the front window and saw a large crowd of people, probably about my age, surrounding something.

Or someone.

I stepped outside to take a look at the individuals shoving each other, aiming their phones, and yelling to get a better view of whatever was in the middle. For once, I was interested. Curious, I jumped up to see, but it was no use. I looked around the sides when a pair of coffee brown eyes made contact with me.

Was that...?


But was it...?



I walked a little farther away, hoping to get a better view of what was happening. Once again, the warm eyes made contact with me. They seemed to be pleading.


I walked through the aggressive crowd and finally reached as close as I could be to the middle.

I was afraid if I got any closer the people would start yelling at me.

I stood on my tiptoes.

It was definitely Yoongi.

What was he doing in the middle of a crowd?

I got a good look at his face.

It didn't look scared or anxious or uncomfortable.

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