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I sipped down my cup of coffee; it took me a lot of energy to be up early on a Saturday. CJ and I had tutoring today, sometimes I questioned why he made it early. I had just deposited my cup in the sink when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked to the door and opened it, CJ stood on the other side his books in hand and ready to teach. If only he knew, today he would be doing the learning, "good morning Christopher James," I said with a bright smile. I got out of the way and let him in. 

"You're smiling at eight in the morning, I don't like it," he said as we walked to the living room. I chuckled ignoring him, he stared at the small board I had dug out of the closet when he entered the living room. He put his stuff down and turned looking at me, "what's the board for?" He inquired. I shrugged my shoulders and gestured for him to take a seat, "okay, Bianca, what are you up to?" He asked again. 

He took a seat and I walked in front grabbing the stick and hit the board with it, "today is training Christopher James day," I said, he groaned and passed his hands through his semi-wet hair. "Chelsie is throwing one of her parties on Monday and guess who's going to be there?" I asked. He shook his head, "Allison," I answered my own question. He nodded his head, "now you are off on Monday and my mom and I volunteered to adult sit your mom. Don't worry my mom will make sure she takes her night meds and we will be watching The Golden Girls," I said.

"My mom loves that show," he said. 

"Who doesn't?" I questioned. He looked at me weird, it was a show about a bunch of old women going through life. I questioned why I liked it, but I am an old soul after all. "Allison will be sad at the party," I took a wild guess. Well, I would make it my mission to make her sad. 

"Why?" He asked.

"Becuase she just broke up with her boyfriend of one year," I answered in a duh tone. "This will be your chance, you will make her feel better. Do not, I repeat do not," I said raising my index finger. "Do not tell her she's beautiful, that's something a brother would do," he raised his eyebrow. "Tell her she is sexy as hell and any guy who does not see that is an idiot then leave her side; I promise you it'll get her thinking about you," I assured him. 

"Wait, has she already broken up with her boyfriend?" He questioned.

"Leave that to me, Justin and I will be hanging out tomorrow at his house," I informed him. "I hear his mother is crazy, but I can handle crazy people," I said. Allison will be breaking up with that boyfriend of hers before she knows it. 

"Wait," he stopped me, "this is cruel," he said, "we are ending a relationship."

"Well, I'm doing her a favor, Justin says he treats her like crap. She deserves a guy who will treat her like the princess she is and I believe you will do that. Just don't let me down," I told him. He nodded his head. "Now, there is a ninety percent chance she will be looking for you after you've called her sexy; when you see her, kiss her," I ordered.

"Kiss her?" He asked me.

"Yes," I replied, "you have to make her see you as a potential mate," I laughed at my choice of words, "now the kiss needs to be rough, but not too rough. Don't be sweet, don't be you, be a bad boy," I said. "While you kiss her also be dominate," I said, he raised his eyebrow. I could tell he did not understand what I was saying. "Grab her waist, pull her close to you and slam your lips on hers roughly. After you are done, leave like you don't give a crap," I said. 

He was now just staring at me like I am crazy, "I just have to get her to break up with her boyfriend and if I fail, we can do this at the next party which will be next Saturday," I said. He nodded his head slowly, "but I think you will fail with the kiss instead of me failing with the manipulation," I said. He did not say anything but just stared at me. "CJ," I called him, "you won't fail with the kiss, will you?" I asked him. 

"I-I," he was unable to speak. 

"Okay," I said awkwardly, "have you ever kissed a girl before?" I asked him, he shook his head no. I sighed and passed my hand through my hair feeling frustrated, "okay," I said, "I can work with that, wait," I said putting my stick down, "have you ever had a girlfriend?" He shook his head no again. I couldn't help, but let out a chuckle. He gave me a death glare, "I'm sorry," I said, "it's just that you're a senior in high school and you have never had a girlfriend. High school is the time to date, make friends, fight, experience breakups, kill people. Forget the last part," I told him. 

"I guess I never had time," he said. 

"Really?" I asked, "you tutor like a dozen of kids for extra credit you don't even need, you can get a friend to look after your mom and you can take a day off from your job. You need to enjoy your high school experience, get drunk, have sex, have hangovers," I told him. "Kiss a girl," I told him. "From now on, every Monday is fun day for you," I told him. He opened his mouth to speak, but I put my index finger over it. "No excuses, I will look after your mother myself," I told him. "You are off on Mondays," I added. 

"What if I don't want to?" He questioned. 

"It's not a matter of want, but need. You need to have fun, you need time to just be a teenager. You can't just go to school, go to work, and come home and take care of your mom," I told him. "Now as for the kiss, we can-" I passed my hand through my hair again, "just," I paused again. "Kiss me," I told him. 

"Kiss you?" He asked. 

"Yes," I said, "you need to practice and it won't be weird, I worked at a kissing booth once," I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"No," I said honestly, "I was drunk and punched the girl who was working it at the fair," he looked at me weird, "yeah, I have a fun and exciting life," I added. 

"I don't see how," he chuckled.

"That's what makes it fun, you should do things that you will laugh at one day with your kids," I said. "Now hurry up, just kiss me," I told him. He nodded his head, I was sitting on the sofa down from him. He moved closer to me, I waited for what he would do. He came close and looked into my brown eyes, I gave him a smile nodding my head telling him to continue. He leaned over, "wait," I said, he stopped, I took out your glasses, "always take them off," I said. He nodded his head. He then continued, his lips brushed against mine. I was going to pull away and tell him to be rough when he moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He then roughly kissed my lips, he forced my lips open. He sucked on my lower lip, I did not even know he was capable of doing that, I quickly pulled away when I saw how serious this was getting. Maybe it was the fact that I wanted to kiss him even deeper and passed my hands through his hair as I sat on his lap. He looked into my eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said. I nodded my head, we weren't able to remove our eyes from each other. Oh God, this was not happening, I think I might like him. 

His eyes traveled all over my face, he stared at my lips then brought his eyes back to mine. He closed his eyes and quickly moved away. "I should go, I have work," he said.

"Yeah, you should," I said, he got up from the sofa. He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the living room. After a few seconds, I heard the front door open and close. 

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