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"I'm so disappointed in the team," Justin said as we entered the cafeteria. His father found out that we left campus for lunch and he prohibited us from doing it now. I did not know why Justin was complaining, we only lost one game and we had our final game next week which I am pretty sure we would win. We would not go to state this year, but we did make it to the county level. He walked into the lunch line to grab the horrible food they decided to serve today.

I followed him, but it's not like I would get anything to eat. My eyes searched the cafeteria as I stood looking for CJ. I had not seen him since this morning and was it weird that I actually missed him. We had been hanging out more and more. In private he was a sweetheart except at school he acted as if he barely knew me. I shook my head, I was definitely crazy for letting a guy get to me. "And my father, how dare he?" Justin asked making me bring my attention back to him. He was not happy today, he was mad at the team, at his father, and even at Ms. Brun. 

He finally reached the end of the line and paid for the spaghetti and meatballs he decided to get. We then walked to an empty table by the door. Justin sat across from me, he then pushed the food away and passed his hands through his dark hair. His blue eyes looked around then looked back at me. "Why are you so mad?" I questioned him. It was a great day and he was alive.

"I have no idea," he answered, he then chuckled. "There's a recruiter coming to the final game, coach told me not to say anything, but word is that they might be looking for a striker," he said, "ever thought of playing for the Olympics?" He questioned. I raised my eyebrow, I always liked soccer, but I ever thought of that. I was a striker, but I was not good at it anyway, what were the chances of them even recruiting me to play for an Olympic team. "Think about it, um... and as for me I am angry because I realized that I am graduating in less than six months," he said. 

"The boys had their last game last week and there was also a recruiter and I-I um..." he paused just staring at me. "Guess I kind of just realized the reality of situations," he said, "I can coach all I want, but you were right," he said.

"About what?" I questioned, I was generally right about a lot of stuff.

"Those who can't play, teach," he answered the words I told him the first day I met him. "Sometimes I just miss running in the field, playing. That's all I ever wanted to do, shit I even wanted to make it to the world cup one day," he paused again, "but my stupid leg just," I nodded my head telling him I did not need to hear more. He injured himself playing two years ago and he could no longer play the game. I felt bad for repeating those words to him the first time we met. It hurts when you cannot do what you love. "It's fine," he said, "I've been complaining all day, Emma says I sound like a little baby, so how's your day going?" He asked me.

"Great," I answered him, "just happy to be alive," I faked a smile. I was getting angry so I took out my usual chips. I was about to start eating, but he looked at me with a death glare. I frowned and put it away and grabbed the apple I bought and took a bite into it. I looked around again to see if CJ was here yet, just then he walked inside the cafeteria. He was with Connor; his hands were inside his pocket as he walked and talked. He spotted me and just looked at me giving me a small smile. 

I turned back around going back to eat my apple. "Can I ask you a question?" I questioned Justin.

"Already did, but what's up?" He asked me. 

"Since you're a guy," I started, "you know how guys think, right?" I asked.

"I would hope so," he answered, "do you know how girls think?"

"I think so," I replied to his question, "but anyways, back to my question," I said. "Would you ignore someone you like?" I asked him. 

"Depends," he answered me, "probably," he added after a while. "I used to ignore Emma all the time, I think deep down I knew how much I cared about her and I was afraid I'd make a fool out of myself," he said. "And there was a time that I tried to ignore her because I'd spend days trying to convince my self that my feelings weren't real simply because society believes that they shouldn't be real," he said. "I'm guessing your question is referring to CJ, he's not ignoring you," he added.

"Yes, he is," I answered him, "at least at school he does," I frowned. I bite into my apple trying to find some type of comfort in it. 

"We are only at school for six hours, that means he pays attention to you eighteen hours of the day," I pushed his legs under the table. That was not helping me, "but seriously, he really isn't," he said. "I think he might want the relationship to stay out of people's business," he said, I raised my eyebrow. "So, he only talks to you in private or it might be because he's Christopher and he's shy," I finished my apple and put it down on his tray. The bell then rung for lunch to be over, "be patient, he's different," he said getting up.

I got up also grabbing my stuff to leave to get my self to class.


"I will see you guys tomorrow, have a wonderful night," Mr. Reagan said as the bell rung and students started to exit the classroom. I put my stuff back in my bag and exited the classroom also to make my way to practice. 

"Bianca," I heard CJ called me as I walked down the hall, I stopped walking and turned around. "Why are you in such a rush?" He asked me as he finally reached me.

"Have to get to practice, can't be late unless I want to take laps around the field," I told him. He nodded his head, we then went to silent. After a while, I decided I had to leave if I did not want to be late, "I have to go," I told him. I turned around started to walk, but he stopped me grabbing my hand.

"Wait," he said, I turned around to see what he had to say. "Um..." he said, "I'll see you later," I sighed and nodded my head. 

"Bianca," one of my teammates called me as they walked down the hallway, "coming," I nodded my head and turned around making my way to practice.


"Thought you'd never come home," I heard a voice say as I walked on my porch. I turned to see CJ sitting on the bench that was placed on the porch. I wondered what he was doing here, it was late and dark now. Thought he would be at work or something.

"Hey," I said surprised, "what's up?" I asked him putting my bag down. 

"Wanted to see you," he said getting up and walking to me. "Plus you live next door so why not come to see you?" He asked me, I shrugged although I could think of a couple reasons. He approached me getting closer, "do you want to hang out tomorrow?" He asked me, tomorrow was Wednesday which means he was off, but I still had practice until late in the afternoon, but of course my crazy ass nodded my head. I did not know why I let him get to me; I should have just said no because he can't pretend I don't exist at school and talk to me when we're out of school. 

"Okay," he said. He leaned down and pecked my lips, he pulled away and looked into my eyes. He then smacked his lips on mine again rougher this time. 

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