Chapter Twenty Eight

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Junie's POV

Me and Bambam talked for a while after school at the park.

He then asked if I wanted to have dinner with him. I said yes because he is super nice and cute and I think I may like him already...

I then call Yoongi and tell him.

"Hey, Yoongi! I'm having dinner with a new friend so I'll be at the house soon." I say.

"Who is this friend of yours?" He asks.

"It's a boy who helped me when someone hurt me in gym..." I say, hoping he won't say I can't because it's a boy.

"He helped you?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I squeeze my eyes together, anticipating his response.

"Okay... I guess you can go. But only because he helped you." He sighs.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yell.

He just chuckles on the other end.

"I love youuuuuu" I say as a bright smile covers my face.

"I love you too..." He says, sounding embarrassed.

I then turn back to Bambam and nod to him.

We start to go on our way with our arms locked like a chain.

Once we arrive at a restaurant, my eyes widen.


This is a really nice restaurant...

I guess he saw my eyes get large as he chuckles.

"Are you gonna come inside or just it and stare at it?"

"Oh... Yeah." I say as I start to walk again.

"Hello, sir. Table for two?" A waiter asks immediately after we walk into the building.

Bambam just nods and the waiter walks us to an empty table and places menus on the spots in front of us.

"What would you like to drink, ma'am?" The waiter turns to me.

"Um..." I hesitate and then realize that Bambam is probably going to want to pay.

"Water." I smile up at the kind man.

He nods and turns to Bambam.

"Make that two." He grins at me as the waiter walks away.

"So why'd you bring me here? This place is expensive..." I say.

"Because this place is nice and you're a nice girl. Also, don't worry. I'm paying." He smiles.

I blush after the compliment he had given me as I grab the menu to cover my face and look for something to eat.

I find the cheapest thing on the menu that isn't for kids and decide to get that as it's less money for Bambam to spend and it looks delicious.

Once the waiter arrives with our waters, he asks what we want to eat.

I tell him the meal I chose and Bambam did as well.

We then wait for our food as we talk and laugh.

He's a really great guy. He seems like boyfriend material.

I wonder if he's single...

My wondering doesn't last long, though, because the waiter comes back to our table with our meals in hand and then sets the plates down in front of us.

We then eat in silence as both of us were very hungry and once Bambam pays and I thank him about a million times, he walks me back to the house.

Once we arrive to the front yard, he stops making me stop and look back at him as well.

"Junie..." He sighs.

"Yes?" I reply, confused at the sudden quietness.

"I... I know we just met but... But I think I like you. Like... Like you, like you." He says and I chuckle.

"I think I like you too..." I say, head down.

He then takes a small step closer as he grabs my chin with his hand and we stare into each other's eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Junie?" He asks.

"Yes..." I smile and he smiles back and leans in.

Everything went in slow motion.

As our lips were about to touch, I hear a familiar voice.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

A/N: hellooooooo! So, today, i watched train to Busan. I really recommend it! It's a really good movie. But if you watch it, get your tissues ready. Anyway, i hope you enjoyed!

Until next time...✌

My Hero, Kim Taehyung ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora