Chapter 2

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Jennie is aware of something gripping her ankles. Her consciousness were brought back but she chose to keep her eyes closed.

"How'd she get out of the box?"

Someone responds: "No idea."

Jennie opened her eyes, but all she sees is blurred motions and light.

Someone, Jennie bets it's the one who's in charge, barks, "Let's get her the hell out of here."

Jennie try to speak, but the words fall out of her mouth, distorted and formless.

A woman came to her and Jennie knows her face all too well. "Dr. Kim? Can you hear me?-" Jennie didn't hear that address since she quit her research. "-We're going to lift you onto a stretcher now." Jisoo says.

Jennie's eyes roamed around and noticed a man looking intently at her. He's staring through the face shield of an aluminized hazmat suit with a self-contained breathing apparatus.

Jisoo came into her view, "One, two, three." she says.

They hoist Jennie onto a stretcher and lock padded restraints around her ankles and wrists. Jennie, too tired to move, didn't fought back. Instead, she gave Jisoo a look.

"Only for your protection, Dr. Kim." Jisoo says with formality. That's the time Jennie finally wonders why Jisoo is there with her. Guessing by the surroundings, she's not in a hospital or any familiar buildings she's been into. Actually, it all looks so foreign for her.

As Jennie watch the lights on the ceiling scroll past, she catch a flash of memory-a needle puncturing her body. She was injected with something (maybe some drugs?).

"Initial condition assessment?" says the man who's been staring at Jennie intently since she woke up on the cold floor.

Jisoo reaches down with a gloved hand and wakes some kind of monitoring device that's been attached around Jennie's left arm. "Pulse rate: one-fifteen. BP: one-forty over ninety-two. Temp: ninety-eight point-nine. Oh-two sat: ninety-five percent. Gamma: point-eight seven. ETA thirty seconds. Out."

A buzzing sound startles Jennie. They move through a vaultlike doors, like a military grade doors.

Jesus Christ.

Stay calm. This isn't real. Jennie thought.

The wheels squeak faster, more urgently. Before Jennie knew it, they're already in a corridor lined with plastic, her eyes squinting against the onslaught of light from fluorescent bulbs shining overhead.

They wheel her into an operating room. The man from before smiles down at Jennie through his face shield and says, as if he knows her closely, "Welcome back, Jennie. Congratulations. You did it."


Jennie looked at him and realize that his eyes doesn't remind her of anyone she have ever met.

"Are you experiencing any pain?" he asks.

Jennie shakes her head.

"Do you know how you got the cuts and bruises on your face?"

Shake. Jennie chose to lie. Who would believe her that a doppelganger did those things to her?

"Do you know who you are?"

She nods.

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you recognize me?"


"I'm Yang Hyun-suk, chief executive and medical officer. We're colleagues and friends." He looked at her, as if evaluating if any of his words registered in Jennie's confused mind.

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