Chapter 12

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They kill the lights to Jennie's cell.

All she can see is the glowing green dot from the surveillance camera that watches her over the door.

Jennie sits in the corner, in the dark, thinking how she's been on a collision course with this moment since she first heard those footsteps rushing up behind her in that alleyway, in her world, five impossible days ago.

Since Jennie saw a gun, and fear and confusion became the only stars in her sky.

In this moment, there is no logic.

No problem-solving.

No scientific method.

Jennie is  simply devastated, broken, terrified, and on the brink of just wanting it all to end.

She watched as the love of her life was murdered right in front of her. Her old friend is likely being tortured as she sits at the room. And these people will undoubtedly make her suffer before her end comes.

Jennie is so afraid.

She miss Lisa.

She miss their rusty house.

She miss her office on campus.

Her students.

She miss the life that's hers.

And there in the darkness, like the filaments of a lightbulb warming to life, the truth finds Jennie.

She hear the voice of her abductor, who look exactly like her, asking questions about her life.

Her job.

Her wife.


She drugged Jennie.

Asked her questions about her life.

Took her phone, her clothes, her wedding ring.

Holy fuck.

Jennie's heart is shuddering with rage.

The other her did these things so she could step into Jennie's shoes. So she could have the life that's hers.

The woman she loves.

Her career.

Her house.


This other Jennie, the one who built the box- she did this. All of this.

As the green light of the surveillance camera goes dark, Jennie realize that on some level, she have known since she first laid eyes on the box.

Just haven't been willing to look it in the eye. And why would she?

It's one thing to be lost in a world that's not your own. Another thing entirely to know you've been replaced in yours. That a better version of you has stepped into your life.

Jennie is drowning in her own thoughts:

She's smarter than I am, no question.

A better wife to Lisa?

A better lover?

She did this to me.


It's way more fucked up than that.

I did this to me.

When Jennie hear the locks in the door retract, she instinctively scoot back against the wall.

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