Chapter 14

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Rosé sits hugging her knees into her chest.

"What do you think happened up there?" she asks.

Jisoo, looking lost, answers, "Supervolcano. Asteroid strike. Nuclear war. No telling."

"Are we in the future?"

"No, the box would only connect us to alternate realities at the same point in space and time. But I suppose some worlds might seem like the future if they've made technological advancements that ours never figured out." Jennie answered.

"What if they're all destroyed like this one?" Rosé hypothesize.

Jennie says, "We should take the drug again. I don't think we're exactly safe under this crumbling skyscraper."

Jisoo pulls off her flats and shakes the ash out of them. Rosé tied her hair again, this time, a little tighter.

Jennie walks toward Jisoo, "What you did for me back at the lab... You saved my life."

Jisoo looks at Jennie, her bottom lip threatening to quiver. "I used to dream about those first pilots who went into the box. Nightmares. I can't believe this is happening." Rosé put her hand on Jisoo's shoulder and squeezes it.

Jennie unzips the backpack and start pulling out the contents to catalog them. She find the leather bag containing the ampoules and injection kits.

Three notebooks sealed in plastic.

Box of pens.

A knife in a nylon sheath.

First-aid kit.

Space blanket.

Rain poncho.

Toiletry kit.

Two rolls of cash.

Geiger counter.


Two one-liter water bottles, both full.

Six MREs.

"You packed all this?" Jennie asks Jisoo.

"No, I just grabbed it from the stockroom. It's standard issue, what everyone takes into the box. We should be wearing space suits, but I didn't have time to grab any." Jisoo explains.

Rosé chuckles. "No kidding. A world like that? Radiation levels could be off the charts, or the atmospheric makeup drastically altered. If the pressure is off—too low, for instance—our blood and all the liquids in our bodies will boil."

The water bottles are calling out to Jennie. She haven't had anything to drink in hours, since lunch. Her thirst is blaring.

Jennie opens the leather bag. It looks custom-made for the ampoules, each glass vial held in its own miniature sleeve.

She begins to count them.

"Sixty," Jisoo informs. "Well, fifty-seven now. I would've grabbed three backpacks, but..."

"You weren't planning to come with me." Jennie concludes.

"How fucked are we?" Jisoo asks. "Be honest."

Jisoo and Rosé looks at Jennie. "I don't know. But this is our spaceship. We'd better learn to fly it."

As Jennie begin to cram everything back into the pack, Jisoo reaches for the injection kits.

This time, the three of them break the necks of the ampoules and drink the drug, the liquid sliding across their tongues with a sweet, borderline unpleasant sting.

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