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I closed the garage door and made my way straight for the main back door. I went through the kitchen straight to his study. But I found it empty.

Frowning, I walked to the stairs, this better be good. I went to his room and knocked on the door.


I clenched my jaw and opened the door. But the room looked empty. I closed the door and stormed to his bathroom.

"You better be decent!" I yelled as I walked around the corner. Mr Black didn't have a door to his bathroom, just an open archway.

He was standing in front of a floor to ceiling mirror, holding a handful of ties.

"What's the emergency?" I asked as I pulled off my scarf. I felt awkward being in here with my boss. I have only been in here by myself while I cleaned.

Mr Black turned to me, he looked lost. "What colour tie?"

My jaw dropped. "This is what you called me home for?"

"Well, yes."

I groaned as I shoved my scarf in to my face. I turned on my heel as I went to the door.

"Montana!" I heard Oliver behind me as I slammed the door. I stormed down the stairs, brushing my hair off my shoulders as I went to the kitchen. My heels on my boots clicked and echoed through the rooms.

Oliver was hot on my heels as I went to the back door.

"Montana! I need your help."

I opened the back door, feeling the cold wind. "No, sir. That is simple." I squealed at him. My finger poking in to his chest. "Today is my day off and I cherish Sundays."

Oliver looked at my finger with a scowl. I moved my hand away and stepped down the two steps. "This is ridiculous. I was out. I was busy!" I hissed as I stepped on to the icy footpath. "I was on a date and you rudely disrupted it!"

Mr Black stepped off the stairs. "That explains the jeans and boots."

I snapped back to him. "I'm allowed a life outside of work."

I saw how he sized me up. "If I recall correctly, you said you don't have a social life."

I stared at him. He remembered that, but not my name? I half laughed.

"How long have you been seeing someone?"

I smirked at Oliver. "That, sir, is none of your business."

I turned back in the direction of my unit. "Seriously though, what tie, Montana?"

I felt rage over come me. I went to turn to him, yell at him to pick his own tie. But my heel slipped on the frozen path and I felt myself falling. I squished my eyes together, expecting the thud and pain, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see Oliver looking straight back at me. He caught me. I stared straight in to his dark grey eyes. I felt my anger leave me. Suddenly I stilled and Mr Black felt it. I got up out off his arms.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Careful. The ground is icy." He spoke softly.

I carefully walked to my front patio, holding on to the railing till I got to the front door. I went in and peeled my jacket off. I threw it and my scarf on to the chair and sat down and unzipped my boots.

That could have been painful! I sighed in relief, the realisation catching up. I turned the heater on and grabbed a blanket off my bed and curled up on the couch with my tablet. This weather is going to kill me. No more heels till the ground has thawed, I said to myself.

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