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"Get up!" I felt my bed move as a tiny fifteen kilogram weight jumped on my bed. "Monty, wake up!"

"I'm awake!" I groaned as I rolled over and put the blanket over my head.

"Get out of bed." Cody wailed at me. "I'm hungry!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I sat up. "Is Uncle Ollie awake?" I asked him as I tickled his ribs.

Cody squealed in delight. "I don't know."

"That's right you don't know because you always see me first!" I laughed. "Well guess what sport?"


"It's my day off. I don't have to get out off bed today if I don't want to." I bragged as Cody's face dropped.

"Who will make me breakfast then?"

I scrunched my nose up as I fixed up a button on his pyjama shirt. "Go wake Uncle Ollie and ask him."

Cody sighed as he slid off my bed. "Very well." He said as he left the room.

I sat there, wide eyed at where he was. He sounded just like Oliver then.

I shook my head.

"I tried Uncle Ollie!" Cody yelled out through the vast room. I frowned at the sentence. Tried what? I slipped out off bed and followed the sound of Cody's voice.

"Tried what?" I asked Cody with a smile. He giggled as he went down the stairs. I chased him in to the kitchen and stopped at what I saw.

My eyes wide with surprise when I saw Oliver and Cody at the bench with a stack of pancakes. "Happy Birthday!"

Oh my. I felt my cheeks heat up. "How did you know?" I whispered towards my boss.

He shrugged as he dished some up for me. I eyed him suspiciously.

"Did you cook?" I half laughed at him.

"What?" He grinned at me. "I can whiz up any thing in the kitchen."

I shook my head. "No you can't."

"How would you know?" He teased as he put some pancakes on to Cody's plate.

"One, I distinctly remember you saying you can't cook. Two, if you could cook, I wouldn't have to make you breakfast, lunch and dinner and three." I opened up the cupboard the bin was hidden in and pulled out the empty packets the pancakes came out off.

Oliver laughed. "Okay. You caught me."

I took the plate off him. "Thank you. It's a very nice gesture." I smiled as I sat on the bar stool next to Cody.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Oliver asked me casually.

"I have nothing planned till about five." I was going out with Percy for dinner.

"Good. I was thinking the three of us could, you know, hang."

I arched an eye brow at him. "Hang?"

"Yeah. Go to a theme park, eat junk food, very long walks..."

Both Oliver and I jumped at Cody as he fisted the air. "Yeah!"

I laughed. "Okay. But as long as I am back here by 4 at the latest."

"I thought you said five?"

I looked over at Oliver. "I'm not that quick to get ready!"

After breakfast I got dressed in to some jeans and flat sole boots and pulled on a singlet then a long sleeved off the shoulder jumper. I brushed the knots out off my hair and put it in a low pony tail then helped Cody get ready. We were all in Mr Blacks car within the next hour and on the road.

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