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1 Year Later

Oliver's P.O.V

I shifted from one foot to another as I waited.

Everyone was here.

Monty had made me so happy this time a year ago when she agreed to me. She said yes, to me.

I whisked her and Cody back home to Sydney as quick as I could. We were staying in my house there until my surprise to Monty was finished.

It was finished. But I wasn't ready to show her yet. Not till we come back from our honeymoon. Cody will be staying with my parents, much to his disgust. But Monty had talked him in to it, finally, after I coaxed her in to doing it.

Today was our wedding day. I was nervous as all hell. I knew Monty didn't have the best track record with weddings, but I trust her. She will be here. It's still a bit early, but she will be here. I'll be here, waiting for an eternity for her.

I looked over the guests as they mingled with each other.

I wanted to marry Monty the day I found her in the garden, there and then. But Monty said no, no running away, no eloping. She wanted to do it right and properly.

I smiled at my parents nervously. My mother was quite smug with herself. She was right. As usual.

I told them about Cody and they were slightly disappointed that he wasn't Conner's child. Cody was their only connection to Conner. But I assured them it was for the best, having a parent.

Then I told them that Monty was going to be his mother. They were happy, excited. I knew it would happen, my mother had told me. I couldn't have found anyone better was my father's words.

Monty found her mother, Claire, and patched things up with her. They cleared their past after an emotional week and Monty had found out that it wasn't that her mother couldn't look after her physically, it was financially and she was too embarrassed to admit it back then.

Monty had forgiven her and they started their mother and daughter bond.

It was through her mother, Monty had found out about other relatives, Aunty's and uncles, cousins and grandparents.

Then she touched base with her father. She found him in Perth. After a few bitter words back and forth between myself and Monty, we all flew to Perth because I wasn't allowing her to go alone.

That's where she found her father. He was a manager at a mining company. Monty was so nervous. A twenty four year old meeting her father for the first time ever.

That's when she discovered the missing pieces of her family. Monty was a sister. It shocked her as she was always an only child. She was overwhelmed by the revelation. We all had met at dinner. She had a younger sister that was twenty years old, a brother that was fifteen and another sister that was nine.

That made Monty ecstatic. But what tipped Monty on was she had a niece. A little three year old niece. I still remember the inside joke we shared about her being good with three year olds.

Clark, Monty's father was overjoyed when she introduced Cody as her son. I was filled with pride and even more love for her, if that was possible.

She had met her stepmother, Rachel, that night too.

Now her family went from being just Monty, to Monty, myself and Cody plus my parents, to a horde.

She had invited them all to our wedding. I looked over at my best man, my long time friend, Bailey. Bailey hasn't met Monty yet, and for good reasons. He is a man whore. His philosophy is, if the finger is bare, so is the woman.

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