Chapter 11: Problems With Concealment

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Akira POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. "Akira, rise and shine!" I heard Shirayuki's muffled voice from the other side of the door. Slowly, I pull myself out of bed and open the door to let her in. I had left my ears and tail exposed, since I knew that she was alone. She smiles at me, her short red hair brushed straight. She holds a basket with a loaf of bread inside.

"Morning, Shirayuki. What brings you here?" I say, leaning against the doorframe. She holds up the basket. "Just decided to drop off some food and check up on my patient." She says kindly. I nod and step to the side, inviting her in.

It's been a few days since me and Shirayuki came to stay in Wistal, the capital of Clarines. I like it here, even though Zen practically forced me to come along. Shirayuki and I came to live here in a small apartment-like building. I know it is becoming strenuous on her to not only pay rent for herself but also for me, but no matter how many times I protest about it she always refuses to stop paying. But I also realize that from the series, she would be kidnapped by that one guy that I can never remember. I grimace at the thought and silently make a promise to prevent it in anyway possible.

A slight tug on my ear brings me from my thoughts. "Akira, hello? I asked you a question." I look at her confused. "Uh... question? Sorry, I was deep in thought." I say as I swat her hand away. She shakes her hand and smiles. "I asked you if you liked staying here in Wistal." She explains.

I sigh and scratch the back of my head. "Even though I came here not exactly on my own will by you-know-who, it's very nice here." Annoyance laces into my tone when I mention Mr. Prince. Shirayuki laughs at my expression of annoyance. "You know, he's doing it because he sees you have potential. You could definitely become a guard!"

"He's doing it so he can keep an eye on me and so he can assure you're safe." I quip at her. "You've got quite the crush, though." I playfully add on. Her face turns slightly red and she turns away from me. "D-don't be ridiculous." She says. "I'll get breakfast going. Go on and sit down, okay?" She changes the subject.

I sit down at the table. Resting my head on my hand, I think back to that conversation with Zen.


"Become a guard?!" I yell at him. He nods his head with a smirk plastered on his face. "Not just any guard. You'll be like Kiki and Mitsuhide. An aide. But you'll be assigned to Shirayuki." His smirk softens into a gentle smile. "She trusts you, so you will be responsible for making sure nothing like this happens again!"

"So... I'll be a body guard essentially." I ask calmly. I'm still trying to understand what he's trying to accomplish. He hesitantly nods his head, nervous from my unexpected calm. "And you want me to watch Shirayuki because she'll be targeted also." I confirm again. He nods his head.

I turn my back to him, trying to think it all out. "Hahh... you know, this doesn't make sense." I say, giving him a side long glance. "We both have rare attributes, so it wouldn't be wise to put me with her. It'll only make the both of us more of a target!" My anger rises suddenly, making me nearly shout at him. He jumps at my sudden temper.

He slowly smiles his calm smile. "I just want to make sure you're both safe. Which is why we are taking you to the capital." His smile broadens into a grin. I give him a deadpan look. "No." I say simply and begin to walk off. I could tell he was shocked for a moment at my answer, because a moment later I heard a confused "Huh?"

Zen quickly walked to my side, trying to stop me. "Look, you might be able to find what you're looking for in the capital!" He said in attempt to convince me. I stop in my tracks. Maybe... Just maybe... I can find a way back home. I chew my lip in thought. I can feel Zen eyeing me, trying to figure out something.

I finally give a quick sigh and turn to him. "Fine. I'll come."


A plate with some toast and eggs was set in front of me, bringing me out of my mind. "Breakfast is served." Shirayuki says cheerfully. She sits herself down across from me with her own plate. I clap my hands together out of habit and say, "Thanks for the food!"

I was about to start eating when I notice Shirayuki staring at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I ask. She shakes her head. "No, it's just that I've never seen someone do that before. What was that, anyway?" She asks curiously.

I try to fight down a blush, but it makes itself evident. "I-it was nothing. Just a silly traditional habit, that's all." I quickly explain, a hand trying to cover the blush on my cheeks. 'Damn it, Akira, don't get so easily flustered!' I scold myself mentally. Shirayuki chuckles, but doesn't press it that much and begins to eat.

I begin eating also, and soon we were finished and putting the dishes away. "I might need a better way of concealing my ears." I carelessly say out loud. Shirayuki looks up and says, "Hmm, you might be right. It's too suspicious for you to be wearing a hood all the time."

"Yeah. Perhaps if I wear just hairpins?" I suggest. She grins at me. "We won't know until we try, right?" She sits me down in front of the mirror. I take a few hairpins from her and begin folding one ear down and pinning them. When I was done, Shirayuki came over and studied my reflection. "Maybe if we do this..." she mumbles. She pulls some of my hair over them and suddenly my ears are perfectly blended and out of sight.

Well until my ears wiggled out of the pins. We both sigh. "This might take a while..."

A/N: hi, this is a little disclaimer that I wanted to make. I just realized that Akira to some of you might look a little bit like Lumine from the webtoon, 'Lumine.' I did not purposefully do this. I created Akira before I became aware of the webtoon. I just wanted to clear some things up. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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