Chapter 15: I Bite

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Akira POV

I look around at my surroundings, but found nothing but a white void. "Where... am I?" I mumble out loud. Last thing I remember is getting powder thrown into my face by Ponytail. I turn myself in slow circles, looking for any traces of life. "If I know anything, this isn't a normal dream."

"And right you are about that, Akira."

I spin around at the sound of a familiar deep, smooth male voice. Where there was continuous space, there was now a reddish gold fox sitting on it's haunches. The fox gave off a familiar haughty aura, and one look at its bright green intelligent eyes, I knew who this was. "Yuuto." I said with slight venom.

He threw his head back into a bark-like laugh. "Oh, don't be that way, my dear Akira," he looks at me with amused eyes, "I know you're at least a little bit relieved to see me." I grit my teeth as I snarl at him, "Why in the world would I be glad to see you?! You took me away from my friends, my family!"

"Yes, but only for good reason." Yuuto eyes held an amusement that told of a funny secret that I did not. "You can return to your original world," he said, "but you will have to find the door." A jolt of adrenaline runs through my veins. "What? Is this true? I can return home?" I question with eagerness. Yuuto shakes his head at my questions, saying, "Yes, you can."

I fall short of myself, pausing to think. I study the fox with slight apprehension. I slowly ask, "What's the catch?" His eyes widen just the slightest bit, before he again throws his head back into laughter. "Aren't you clever? I can see why the Goddess took a liking to you."

"Goddess?" I question. He gives me the closest thing to a smile a fox could give. "Why yes, the Goddess Kiitami-sama, goddess of the worlds and my master."

I could feel myself fading from the endless white void, and the edges of Yuuto's figure began to run like wet paint on a canvas. "Ah, it looks like our time is up, Akira. Time to face your new reality." His voice became more distant as he spoke. "Wait!" I shouted out, reaching towards the fox. "The catch, what is it?"

"Oh, yes," he said. "I almost forgot. You can return to your world, but only if your heart desires." His body began to become unfocused, like someone made a disruption in a reflection. "Our time is up. One day, Akira. One day you'll meet Kiitami-sama."

And with that, the white space blinked out into black, as if someone had clicked off the lights.

(A.N: Kiitami-sama is a goddess I made. My credit.)

I woke with a hazy fog on my mind. Where was I? What happened? Why is everything so fuzzy? I could tell that I was propped up against a wall, though I don't know where. I attempt to use my hand to rub my eyes, but my arm was stopped by something scratchy. I look down at my arm and attempted again to pull my hand out from behind my back. It held secure, frictional heat burning my wrists. God damn it, I was tied!

I twist around in the ropes, gritting my teeth from the tight pinching on my wrists. I could hear the strains from the ropes, but they were tied tightly, almost painfully. I narrow my eyes. "Damn it..." I murmur under my breath.

"Oh, so the sleeping beauty awakens at last."

I look in the direction of the voice and glare. Sitting in a built in archway was Ponytail, examining my kendo sword. "I don't understand why you have a wooden sword instead of the real deal. Honestly, how can you protect yourself?" He absentmindedly commented. He waved the sword around in the air, like he was trying to make his point.

I grit my teeth, growling instinctively. "Who are you? What do you want?" I demand. He simply smiles his irritatingly knowing smirk. He smoothly stands up and slowly walks towards me. "The name's Mihaya, and the only reason I took you with the girl and not leave you for dead in the forest is because of your... unique eye color."

Mihaya squats down to my eye level and rests his head in his palm. I growl louder at him, baring my teeth like a canine. "Well, aren't you the feral type," he lightly jokes. His hand shot out and grasped my chin tightly so I couldn't pull away. I try to twist away, but his grip just tightened. I glare with all the hatred I could muster when he forced my jaw open and began to look at my teeth.

"You have quite the sharp canines there. I would even say that you could draw blood," he mutters to more to himself than to me. With my tolerance already shot, I wasn't about to let this baboon touch me as he pleased. I bite down as hard as I could when he began to poke at the ends of my canine teeth. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as Mihaya cried out and attempt to pull his hand back.

I instinctively hold on to his hand, but let go a moment later. I can't have these new animalistic instincts take over, I have to be in control. I continue my glare at him as he looks at his bloodied hand. He now sported a good bite shaped gash in his hand that will definitely scar, a reminder of him not to mess with me.

"Be careful," I say menacingly. "I bite."

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