The Black Swan

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'Relax, Ivy, it's going to be fine.'

Ivy stared into the mirror, into her own grey eyes. It was the day of her class play. After going through all the choices a few thousand times, her ballet teacher had decided on one of the most popular plays in history.

Swan Lake.

Somehow, Ivy got chosen to play the part of the white swan, while her twin sister, Belladonna, had to play the black swan. Ivy wasn't sure that Bella agreed with her teacher's choice; she kept giving Ivy venomous looks whenever they were near each other. This was the first time she had to endure this; she always got what she wanted at school and at home, being the 'princess', while Ivy was just the cleaner no one took much notice of. It wasn't fair, since they were identical in every way, same hair, same eyes, same everything. Maybe that's how the world works.

'Ready yet?' sulked Ivy's sister, Belladonna, as she sloped in her chair. 'I want my hair done now, Miss Greene.'

'Sure, my dear,' said Miss Greene, beaming at Bella. Here it went again. The sisters were equally talented at almost everything, yet everybody still doted on Bella. Ivy sighed and went back to combing her hair.

'Don't sigh like that,' snapped Bella. 'It's not nice. Don't you dare ruin my play.'

All the dancers were clumped together in one large crowd as Miss Greene gave them a final explanation of the play; where they were going to stand, how to avoid the curtains, etc. Bella listened to all this with a smirk on her face. Ivy felt uneasy just looking at her. Knowing her sister too well, she could have some trick up her sleeve, perhaps to make Ivy look like a fool in front of everyone, making herself look good.

'Any questions?' chirruped Miss Greene, looking around at her students, some almost as tall as she was. 'Yes, Bella, what is it?'

'I need the bathroom, Miss,' she said in an expressionless voice, then moved towards the door in the corner. Ivy frowned. Bella had just done that, barely a few minutes ago. But before she could ponder this suspicion, She was being pushed towards the curtains, towards the stage.

'Now, Ivy,' she said, 'just keep a cool head, and put what you've learnt to use. Do your best, and only come out at the right moment, during the scene where the prince meets the swan princess.'

Ivy watched as the prince glided across the stage. Just a few seconds to go before she appeared. Three, two,-

'Out of my way!'

Ivy was sent flying away from the stage as a figure, clothed in white, shoved her out of the way and went onstage. Ivy squinted at her as the light illuminated her features. She looked familiar, just the face Ivy always saw when she looked in a mirror.

Bella danced across the stage, smiling, looking satisfied with her little scheme. Ivy pulled herself to her feet and tried to make an appearance onstage- to expose her sister's plan-

'Bella, why aren't you wearing black?' exclaimed Miss Greene as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere, greeted with the sight of Ivy lying on the ground. 'Come, let's get you changed.'

Tears nearly blinded her as she was pushed onto the stage, wearing a black dress, by her teacher. Bella had plotted this all just to get what she wanted. Why did she have to be the one to suffer? Why did she have to become her sister's puppet? Why did she have to be replaced?

Ivy dragged herself reluctantly over to the dancer in the middle of the stage. His eyes widened when he noticed her crying. Judging by the muttering of the crowd, they had noticed too.

Ivy wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and glided gracefully across the stage, just like a swan would. Yes, she would become just like the black swan. She would steal her sister's destiny, just like she did to her. She would take her revenge.

A low creaking sound from above her made her look up.

The crowd screamed as an enormous floodlight above her came crashing down, straight onto her.

Bella was emotionless as she scrolled through her phone on her bed. Her sister's death meant nothing to her. Well, there was something. Now she would get everything she wanted, without Ivy to snatch it away from her.

The floorboards  outside her bedroom door creaked. Bella jumped. No one could be out there right now, at three in the morning. A knock on the door was the cue for her to hide in her wardrobe. Burglars, for sure. But would burglars knock on doors before they entered?

She stifled a whimper and buried herself under the pile of clothes on the bottom of her wardrobe. Whatever came calling at this time won't be friendly. Not at all.

Bella screamed as the wardrobe door was pulled open. The figure standing outside was clad in a black dress, just like her sister was when she died. As she watched in terror, it stretched an unnaturally long hand towards her.

'Oh hello, sister dear,' it said in a melodious voice. 'Hope you won't mind me taking your soul?'

Ivy smirked as she walked down the hallways of her school. It was easy, almost too easy. It wasn't a problem, ripping out Bella's soul and possessing her body herself. Everywhere, teenagers greeted her as she made towards Bella's--or to be more precise, her locker. It was a great feeling, having finally avenged herself, having finally replaced her sister.

'Hey, nice play yesterday,' said Bryan, one of her classmates, as he slouched in her direction. 'I was watching it. You were really cool onstage. Who did you play, anyway? I forgot.'

She paused in the action of opening her locker. Looking straight into his eyes, she whispered, 'The Black Swan.'

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