False instincts

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Credits to BlueArtiste from www.reddit.com

Excellent story, couldn't help sharing it.

Two scenarios.

One, you're in the shower lathering yourself with soap. It's a long, long day and a hot shower relaxes you. You close your eyes, feel the warm water run down your skin and soak through your hair. This is when your instincts, your "third eye", your spidey senses, whatever you name it – warns you that someone is watching you from behind the shower curtain. You quickly open your eyes and throw the shower curtain open, to be greeted by absolutely nothing standing in the bathroom. You're very exactly a hundred percent alone.

It's pure, misguided paranoia.

Two, you have your towel wrapped around you as you walk through your suburban house, down the hallway from the bathroom to your bedroom. It's dark, it's late, and your significant other isn't home yet. Save the Earth, you love to say, which is why you didn't bother to flip the light switch for the hallway. Your foot is cushioned nicely on the carpeted floor, a muffled thump created with each landing. Without warning, every hair on your body perks up. You turn to survey the hallway, but all you see is an empty stretch, mildly illuminated by the moonlight through the window. It's just pure, misguided paranoia; regardless, you pick up your speed, enter your bedroom and slam the door shut behind you. You exhale and laugh to yourself.

That's when every primal, instinctual sense of your body screams out at the top of their lungs, telling you to get the hell out of here. Your ears pick up on heavy breathing from somewhere in your room. It is that very exact moment when it clicks for you: your instincts were never warning you about the bathroom or the hallway – instead, your instincts were warning you about what happens when you leave the bathroom and the hallway.

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