Part 2

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12 Years Later...

I sighed as I wiped my forehead with my arm. I looked around me in the barn. It doesn't even look like I've done anything.

I groaned as I went to the next hay bale.

I lifted that one and moved it to the other end of the barn. My horse, Chocolate, was due to have her foal soon.

I had to get this done before I had to leave in a couple hours.

I fanned myself as I walked to another hay bale to put in another section of the barn. This barn is huge, I thought to myself.

I panted and grunted as I lifted another one. I should really hire some help, but I can't afford it. I'm barely making ends meet now and the finish line is no where near in sight.

I finally did the last hay bale and beamed at myself in my success.

I went back inside the house to get a drink before collecting my car keys. I left the old ute near the barn and climbed into my other one. It wasn't that much older, but it ran better.

I pulled the car out off my property and headed to town. I needed a few supplies that my farm doesn't hold and to collect the markets request.

My main income is selling fruit, apples, pears and oranges. To say for me to eat another apple pie, I rather shoot myself in the head.

But I also sell fresh milk straight from the cow, once I've milked my handful of cows, I have nearly twenty litres of milk that I don't tend to need most of it all the time and sell it at the local shop.

I like to stay away from large company owned stores and stick to the local ones that we supply to and from.

I got out off the car and walked into the store.

"Hey Mark!" I smiled at the middle aged man.

"Hey, love. How are you?" Came his heavy voice.

"Good. Have you got Lynn's list?"

Mark handed me the list and I read it. "I can't guarantee I'll have that many eggs." I said to him.

"That's fine, love. Whatever you have."

I smiled and went to the fridge for a water. I went to give Mark the money for it, but he shook his head.

"One day." I promised him.

"Nonsense. You help my wife and daughter out, I help you out."

I scowled at him. "That's hardly fair! They help me out. I have a freezer full of their scrumptious baked goods. Ava loves them."

"Good. They are for her too!" I heard a voice behind me as I turned to see Hanna behind me. I smiled as we hugged.

"Dad, don't make her pay for that." She warned her father as she rubbed her giant belly.

"Not long now." I said warmly to her. "I've nearly finished that blanket too."

Hanna smiled. "Mum showed me a photo. It looks gorgeous."

I bid them goodbye as I got back in my ute and looked at my list again.

6 dozen apples
2 dozen pears
8 dozen oranges
12 litres cow milk
2 litres goat milk
12 dozen chicken eggs
1 dozen geese eggs
3 dozen duck eggs

To say I live off milk and eggs is an understatement.

I checked for the time. Still had some spare time. I pulled my car out and drove down the road to the butchers.

I needed some more meat, I was running low. I walked in to the shop as I heard the bell chime above the door.

"Lennie, darling! Come in!" A large man smiled at me.

"Afternoon Doug. What specials have we got today?" I asked as I peered through the display windows.

"My roo mince is half price."

I squashed my face up and shook my head. "Yuk."

"I have beef ribs on special."

Yeah, I could do that for dinner tomorrow night. "Okay. Give us a kilo of that and I'll take a kilo of your beef mince." I smiled at him.

"Are you sure? The roo is fresh." He laughed as he took a large handful of the beef mince.


"So what's for dinner tonight?" Doug asked as he tied the bag up.

"I'm thinking pies." I answered as I took that bag.

I paid for the two bags, discounted of course since I'm one of his chicken suppliers, and chucked them in the little esky I keep in the car for the meat.

"Hey Lennie!" I heard someone call out. I turned to see Lee come to me in his usual jeans and boots.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I pulled the hair out off my eyes.

"There's a livestock meeting on in 40 minutes. Cheap horses."

I groaned. "I can't be there. I've gotta get Ava soon. I can't afford another horse. I've already have two, one is due to give birth. I need a bull." I need more than a bull.

Lee tapped his hat. "Do you want me to buy one? You can pay me back later."

I smiled at him. "Lee, that's a lovely gesture, but in reality, I can't afford it. There are plenty of animals I need and I can't afford any of it. Not till I get this whole fiasco out of the way with Dillon."

Lee nodded. "Okay. Next meeting is next week. Let me know if you change your mind."

I got in the car. Lee was a sweet bloke. He and his family breed sheep. I would love some sheep, I could breed them, sell them, trade with Doug for other meat, use their wool.

I use as much as I can with what I have. I don't buy pastry, I make it. I don't buy a cold raw chicken, I use my own. Of course, I would never do that in front of Ava.

Speaking of which, it was time for me to get her.

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