We Meet Once Again (3/4)

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Annalise, my mom and I literally whooped those girls asses, 8-2. When dance time was momentarily put on pause for food, that's when I found Frank. He is still at the bar when some blonde chick sat next to him.

She starts talking to him and Frank still continues to drink his Corona. When she realizes that he was ignoring her, she placed her hand on his bicep and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

He looks at her blankly and downs the rest of his beer before walking away from her completely. He shoves his hands into his pockets as he approaches me.

"How many beers did you drink while I was gone?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"Only three.." he says.

I look into his eyes to find his tick when he's lying, which is when the corners of his lips twitch. Since I don't see his tick, I say:


"Come on.. let's go to the table and get some food." I add.

"To be honest, I wanted to drink more. It's not like you would mind anyway." He admits.

"What are you talking about, Frank?" I say.

"If you'd rather me get drunk than to pick fight about the fact that you leave me in a week... then so be it. All hail Queen Y/N, right? We all live to serve you.. to make ourselves seem important in your eyes?" He snaps.

"Since when did I come out to be the bad guy here?" I ask.

"Since you decided that a job is more important than your relationship with your boyfriend." He says.

"Oh, then if I'm such a monster then why don't we just break it off right here, right now?" I say, pushing on his chest.

"Fine, if that's what you want.." he says.

"Fine," I say.

Little did Frank and I know that the room was quiet and everyone heard our fight.

"So that's it?" I hear my mother say.

Tears swell in my eyes and fell down my cheeks. I walk passed Frank who looked pained at the fact that he couldn't console me. I grab my purse and walk to the bathroom to touch up my make up.

My cousin tries to stop and talk to me but I put up my hand to stop her.

"Continue on with the wedding. Don't let my personal problems ruin your day." I say.

"I'm sorry if I already did," I add.

I make my way to the bathroom and sat on the flat surface of the sink. I break off a paper towel to dry my tears when I feel a pressure swelling in my chest. I take a deep breath before a long trail of sobs leaving my mouth. My body shakes with every sob as I hold my face in my hands.

I hear a soft knock on the door and I say:

"I need a minute,"

I snuggle and try to stabilize my breathing. The door creaks open and I glance to see Frank in the doorway.

"Oh my God," I say as I slide off of the countertop.

"What do you want?" I add, flailing my arms.

He doesn't answer me, instead he steps into the bathroom and locked the door. I cross my arms and he says:

"I wanted to do one last thing before we are broken up officially."

"We are broken up officially," I say.

He approaches me and takes my hands in his as he says:

"Dance with me,"

"What? Are you out of your mind?.. clearly, you don't know the concept of what breaking up means. Let me give you a refresher—"

"Just shut up and dance with me.. This is something that we both need, so that we are spending the rest of our lives hating one another.." He interrupts.

"Please, dance with me... one last time." He pleads.

I stare down at the ground and sniffle as I think of what to do.. Frank holds my head in his hands and wipes away my tears with his thumbs. When I look up into his eyes, I notice that he has been crying too.

"Fine," I say, pushing away his hands.

"One last dance," I add.

I open the door and walk out of the bathroom with Frank following after me. I set down my purse at the table and freeze when I hear the song Leave It To You by Leroy Sanchez.

"Sometimes I wonder, who you are
Sometimes I whisper, to my heart
Is this right?
Am I wrong?
Will this doubt soon be gone?"

Frank extends his hand to me and I hesitantly take it. He rests his hands on my lower back as I link my arms around his neck.

"The voices get louder, in my head
'Cause of some stupid shit you said
I'm a wreck, I'm a mess
Would you please come to bed?"

We both slowly sway side to side to the song and I rest my forehead against his chin.

"Do you even care anymore?
Do you not care about who we are, what we were?
I feel so far from you, when we're both locked in the same room
Have I lost you?
Are we through?
How will I know?
'Cause I'll leave it to you
I'll leave it to you.."

The song continued on and silent tears traveled down my cheeks. I move my head so it rests on his chest and presses a warm kiss on my temple.

When the song was over, we looked into each other's eyes and he pulls me into a long, passionate kiss. We both pull away when we start to run out of air. I slowly move my hand from his jawline and pull away from him entirely.

"I'll move my stuff out when you're at work.. to make things easier." I say.

He steps close to me and tries to touch me but I back away.

"This is for the best," I say before grabbing my purse.

I say my goodbyes to my family and drive to a hotel to stay for the time being.

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