Chapter 14: Memories

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------hello! Hope you like this chapter because....well because. Give me suggestions if you have them, they are appreciated and accepted maturely! welll, as mature as I can get, heh. This one is a bit longer, so Read on!---------------------------------------------

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Sort of flashback, Simon's house../\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Here I am again. At one of these stupid parties my parents always make me attend. I would say that it's no secret that I do not want to be here, but it is. It happens to be part of my quota to fill, acting like I am enjoying myself. In my own home, as well! I would much rather be upstairs in my bedroom than be here. But I know too well that that Isn't possible. Sighing, I prepare myself as another wealthy do-nothing approaches me. All these people have parties for is to show off there wealth. It just happens to be our turn to do so. Not that I wouldn't be forced to attend those out of home gatherings, because I am. Oh, here it comes. Brace yourself Simon!

"Simon, if it isn't the strapping young son of Sir Gerard and Lady Aislinn. How do you do?" A very fat man said in the usual snobbish voice, approaching me with a hand out to shake. I held back my grimace as I reached forward and shook the man's hand. The 'Sir' and 'Lady' thing is just wishful thinking, by the way. It is a childish thing they all do, to make themselves sound important for something other than money. Ahem, back to the fat man with a huge double-chin.

"I am doing well, how do you do?" I return stiffly as we pull back from the handshake. 

"Quite well, I say, quite well. My late, great aunt died recently died and left us hundreds of thousands! Isn't that grand?" He says shamelessly and If it weren't for a decade of practice, I would have spat in the man's face. I place the usual fake smile upon my face and give a single nod. I am really getting sick of this. I have grown accustomed to it, but that does not mean I accept it. I walk briskly away from the man, set to calm myself before I do something stupid. I walk over to a wall and lean against it, eyes spanning over the party. What a waste of money. They are all ugly too! Well, except for my parents, I think as I spot them over in the middle of the crowd. They are quite pretty, the two of them. That is one thing we can agree on, is how I came to be so ugly when I spawned from those looks.

My father's dark blonde hair combed neatly, and my mother's brown/red hair in wavy curls down her back. My mother has Irish roots, and this results in forest green eyes. Father has regular blue, which is what I inherited. I sigh again dejectedly, and freeze as sudden inspiration and courage sprouts in me. If I am truly as worthless as they say, why am I trying so hard to get these pompous idiots to think highly of me? I couldn't really care less what they think, in all truth. I then decided to do something rambunctious for a change. I can't stand mingling or creeping in a corner a moment longer. I think hard for a moment, trying to figure out what I could do. It was my house, so I knew what I had for inventory. Maybe I do not need it though! I can just use myself! Nyahahahahahahaha! I laugh evilly as I begin to form a plan. Scratch that. I'll need matches and a chair! Nyahahahahahaha!

My fifteen year old mind was gleeful with the idea that came to mind. I set my cup down on the edge of one of the tables, and made my way out of the party room. As soon as I was out I sighed in relief of the mind-numbing chatter and loosened my collar a bit. I looked left and right down the long halls like a spy, and dashed down the one to my right, which was difficult in this stupid monkey suit. I stopped when I got to the door i was looking for. My father's study. Taking in a deep breath and running my fingers through my combed hair as habit, i opened the door. What I saw was........boring. Brown and boring, blech. I hurried in and shut the mahogany double doors behind me, and turned back to the room at hand. I know that old man has matches in here somewhere!

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