Chapter 21: Fight

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-------Hai. If you are reading, please be nice enough to comment, yeah? It makes me feel better. Less useless. Ok thanks. Read on!-------

I felt much better after Juicy poured that liquid over my wound. Key word, AFTER. That was horrible. It felt like it was acidic or something. Ugh. Why is this ride taking so long? Where are we even going now? I'm scared that sterling will get me, but I feel a lot less worried since he most likely will leave chory out of things. He only took him last time because he was obviously with me. Well, it's obvious now, but you get the picture.

My head is still in chory's lap, but I really don't mind. I still refuse to be treated lik an invalid though. He's lucky I love him. Whoa. That sounds so strange. I love him. Nah, it stills sounds weird. I have never really loved anyone before. Can I be sure this is love that I'm feeling. Who am I kidding, I know it is, but....I don't know how to do this. What if I upset him so horribly that he leaves me? Where would he go though?

I smile bitterly, as the only reason he wouldn't leave is because he has nowhere to go. Ugh, I'm over-analyzing this. Like a girl. I'm not a girl! Well obviously, but you sure do think like one, a little devil appears yet again, this time on the dashboard above me. Glaring at it, I reply snappishly. 

"Oh, what do you know? You are technically just the mean, insecure side of me! So shoo!" I tell it, me, whatever but it merely cleans it's nails on it's red shirt, looking down his nose at me.

"Right you are. But I am still you. Do you think chory wants someone with this tacked on to his personality? The more he gets acquainted with this time, the more he'll be attracted to what he sees." Don't listen, it's just your insecurities. I tell myself this, but they are all based upon truths, insecurities or not. Just then a little angel me appears next devil me. The latter rolls his eyes as the other appears.

"Oh, pish posh. Don't listen to him Simon. Chory loves you, obviously. If you doubt him now, just as this starts, don't you know it will hurt him? Either way you are taking a chance. Take the one that'll make you both happy in the long run." Hm. I'm pretty wise! I smile, and he/I smile back. 

"Simon? What are you smiling at? Stop being a creeper!" Juicy snaps, and I glare over at her. She has seriously been snapping, for no reason since we got on the road. She is sweating and glancing at me anxiously, and I don't know what for. Chory looks at her with a highly suspicious look every time, and I think I know why.

Juicy said there was something that she didn't want to tell  him because I could hear, when I was still vomiting. I think it's about time I know what that is.

"Alright juicy. Spill it." She looks at me all twitchy like.

"Spill what? I dunno what you're talking about."

"Oh don't give me that rubbish. You're not PMS'ing up in here for nothing!" She sputters, not sure what to say. 

"Just tell me! What has got your knickers in a twist?" Chory is looking mighty confused now, making me crack a smile. I sit up properly and lean closer to her, staring until she confesses.

"O.O"........................................She starts to stir.

"O.O"........................................She turns to glare at me quickly.

"O.-'' .........................................I squint one eye now, officially making it more intense. 

"UGH! Fine! You want to know so badly!? I can sense them! The hunters? They are following us along with someone I don't recognise and I can't figure out how they are tracking us!" She shouts in frustration, and I can practically feel chory tensing all his muscles. 

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