Chapter 19: Hot mess

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--------------Chapter nineteen folks. As you were.----------------

Come the morning I felt much better, but we'll leave the reason why in my bed. Er, head. Yawning, I walk out to the main room feeling refreshed. Juicy is sitting on the counter top eyeing me carefully. Geez, was I really that despondent? Hopping off the counter she begins to walk away, but I stop her.

"Wait, Juicy, um. I'm really sorry for being such a downer the past few days. I am willing to give it another go now. Can I?" I ask nervously, afraid she will be mad. Instead she turns, runs to me and crushes me in a hug.

"Oof! Agh....losing...oxygen...can't..breathe!" I stutter out, and she releases me, but keeps her hands on my shoulders.

"Simon. Do you have any idea how worried I was? Especially when you started becoming depressed, I....I am glad you are ok now, simon. You are ok now, right?" She asks, and I nod.

"Chory made me feel better. I really am sorry for not listening to you. I guess I paid for it, huh?" I scratched the back of my head, glancing up at her beneath my lashes. At my statement she grimaces, and shakes her head fiercely.

"No Simon. That is not payment for anything. I would never have wished this upon you. I am the one who is sorry, sorry I couldn't protect you, as was my duty." She swipes a single and almost nonexistent tear from her eye, and realize that this woman cares for me more than my own mother. I can fortunately say I am fond of her, but not often, and vice versa. Suddenly, with a burst of happiness and inspiration, I know what I have to do.

This is the same feeling I got when I released chory from that tower! Only lesser. It may not have seemed like it, but I was rather excited and cheery when chory and I left the woods that day. It was the most fun I'd had up to that point. Now realizing that there are now two people who care for me as deeply as I care for them, the feeling has come back. I hastily grab her by her arm and start to drag her upstairs, despite her protests.

"Simon? What are you doing? Why are we going upstairs? Stop ignoring me!" Ah, good old juicy. I proceed to force her with me into the room, and find the rest of the Guild meditating. The four look up in shock as I enter, shooting questioning glances at Juicy. I feel rather than see her shrug, and I grin smugly.

"Alright, everyone stand. Come on hop to, hop to!" I rush them as they don't move. Slowly they stand, and I sigh in annoyance.

"Do you want this bloody curse broken or not?" I place a hand on my hip and control my amusement at their abrupt hand flinging and nodding, eyes wide. I turn to Juicy who is gaping at me like a fish out of water, and wink.

"You'll catch flies, love." She snaps her mouth shut, before looking away.

"Chory!" She shouts, and I look at her in appreciation. How did she know I wanted him to be here. He was asleep when I left the room, so he probably won't-"Yes"? He pops his tousled brunette head in the doorway, eyeing us curiously. 

"You might want to see this." She gestures to us, and his eyes widen before he comes over to stand next to me. Remembering what happened last night I blush and don't meet his eyes. Geez, I make it sound like we had a pulled a rough one nighter! I still don't look at him though, and focus my attention on the four women in front of me. 

"Alright. I have found out how to do this, don't ask how because I will not be able to explain it, and your efforts will be wasted. Now, all of you stand in your usual circle, minus Juicy, with your hands clasped." Juicy pouts as I say this, causing me to smirk and her to scowl at me. 

"Now, what I want you to do, is say each of your full names and I do mean full, including your middle names if you've got one, and try to picture what your voice will sound like." They all open their mouths hesitantly, and before I know it, I hear four names in four different voices being called out. 

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