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I open my window of the crisp morning. I sigh and smile sarcastically.

"Ah, what a horrible Monday it is."

I make up my bed and pull my hair up into a ponytail, I get on my makeshift maid outfit, I liketo think I am Claude from black butler, even though my favorites from that are the Undertaker and Grell, and not to say anything about them, but I do know them. All of them, but I can't say that here Creepypasta and other Demonic creatures don't go hand in hand. Kinda ironic about me though. I snicker to myself as I put on some mascara and eyeshadow on. My lipgloss looks good over my chapstick. I smile, I look good!

I walk out of my room, and moved out of the way as Jeff runs from Jane who has her nightgown on looking sexy. She flings her knife aroun as I see small things falling off of her. I pick one up to see little rollie pollies. I smile, Jane hates bugs, I grab a mason jar grom my room and pick them up to see how many I can collect. When I'm done it is almost full. I take the to Slender with his tea this morning. He is reading quietly near the window of his office as usual.

"What is all the ruckus of this morning?" He says irritated. As always.

"BEN was trapped in the shower by L.J. Masky kicked Toby though a window, Hoodie got it on film, Jeff poured rollie pollies on Jane so they are playing a game of tag with knives, and Sally is having a tea party with your youngest brother, which is fine by me because I can clean up everything today."

I say while pouring the tea into his fine china. I put the two spoonfulls of sugar in with a dash of honey. Yummy.

"Rollie pollies," He says walking to the desk where I made up his cup of tea," what kind of creatures are rollie pollies?"

I show him the jar, I hear him sigh like he is rolling his eyes humorously.

"Potato bugs?"

"Well my family old calls them rollie pollies because they turn into a ball and we can roll them."


"It rhymes with rollies."

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I wonder how you could think of things so innocently when you aren't innocent."

"I spend too much time with Sally, who by the way wants to have a tea party with her 'widdle Slendy' and 'widdle uncles'."

He sighs and sips his tea quietly.

"Later on. I have things to do."

I start to walk out with the tray under my arm, I stop at the door.

"By the way, please stop letting the girls draw on the walls, drawing on trees outside are enough. "

He laughs quietly as I close the door. So grumpy he should laugh more, it makes things better. I smile.

I walk downstairs to cook breakfast. Masky and Hoodie help me usually but they were ordered to go on a 'hunt' which means they ate earlier. I put on my apron, and hum as I pull out some fruit. I put some yogurt in a large bowl and chop up some fruit. I put it in the bowl and hum a song, I try to figure out what song it was and I cut my finger with a knife.

"Son of a Bi-"

I stop and turn to see if anyone was around. I saw E.J, BEN, Offender, and Clockwork.

"Biscuit eater."

We stand there quietly starring at each other.

"Did you mean bitch?" BEN says leaning on the door.

"No I meant biscuits, Clockwork could you help me out?"

She shakes her head.

"Sorry gal, I have to go downstairs."

She shrugs and walks away to the basement door. BEN walks in and leans on the counter looking at me.

"So, I could be of help, I do know how to whisk.~"

I refrain from vomiting, but I show my disgust on my face.

Get away from me you vile, ugly, little goblin! Blahhhhhh! Disgusting! Gross! What the hell is wrong with you little dude! You are disgusting! You aren't even attractive! You ugly little-

"No I'm quiet fine nothing to whisk here! thanks though BEN, better go hunting!"

I smile at him and give him my fake cheery voice, he frowns and goes to say something I turn on the sink and he disappears. I smirk a little and wash up my hands, I look at E.J. and Offender. I go to E.J.

"Do you have the kidney's for breakfast or is that for dinner?"

"Dinner please, could you make my liver with some mango?"

I smile.

"An odd request, but I will do that. In return could you help me out, with breakfast?"

"You know I can't cook," he sighs sadly, "but I will clean all the bathrooms in the house."

"Hot damn it's a deal!"

I smile at him and pat his shoulder for comfort. He walks out standing tall, past Offender who is smoking. I frown at him and go back to choping up fruits.

"Not going to ask me because, I'm not good enough?" He asks rudely, he is closer.

"No, I am not going to ask for help from you because you a guest, and guests do not help with work around the house."

He said he wasn't good enough, ha, that bastard.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I helped."

Yes! I do mind very much you asshole!

"No smoking in my kitchen and no bleeding in the food."

"Seems like you already did the bleeding part."

I shoot him a glare.

" Fine, fine. Whatever."

" You sound like a teenage girl."

"Oh, so I sound like you?"

I turn to him while chopping zucchini for zucchini bread.

"I am thirty you, you! Argh!"

I growl. He smirks, I hate that smirk, how is this dude charming at all?

I don't understaaaaaaaaaaaand.

I chop up the fruit as he goes to the fridge and cooks on the stove. I watch him trying to catch him messing up, but he actually knows what he is doing and in about ten minutes the table is packed and Slender walks down to sit at the table. Other pastas sit down and eat the food, I made the meats at one side and regular food at the other.

I sigh, my stomach grumbles, but, maids do not eat with the people they serve. Offender sits next to his brother and they all talk and eat, I stand there quietly and watch. Splendor looks at me confused and waves. I nod and wave back. He whispers something to his eldest brother and they talk amongst themselves, Trender turns to me, I wave and he waves me down. Slender doesn't look happy about this.

"Rose right?" I nod. " Join us at the table and eat. "

I shake my head.

"I do not eat with the people I serve, it is not proper, I am here to serve-"

"Sit your ass down, we weren't asking, we are telling you."

Offender drinks a glass of wine, then does a small cheers. I sit down but don't eat. Everyone finishes and I get up and clean up. I grumble about how hungry I am. I make myself a cup of coffee and eat some bacon. He cooked the bacon but it is spot on I hum content.

"So you weren't being mean because I cooked."

I turn to see Offender in the doorway, my mouth is full of bacon, I stand there awkwardly, as he snickers then clears his throat.

"You good over there?"

I chew the bacon and nod. I grab a paper towel and spit the bacon into the towel as I turn to him.

"Thank you for the assist in cooking. "

"Yep." He says slowly.

I drink my coffee, and put the cup in the sink.

"There is coffee in the coffee maker and all the additives are in the cupboard above the sink. Help yourself."

I go to walk out but he stops me I back up automatically. He clears his throat.

"We got off on the wrong foot."

"Yes we did, I already know you are a rapist, who smokes like a chimney, who also will do anything to sleep with someone, and let me add you are a demon of lust. No love."

"First off ouch, second off I give everyone a choice before they sleep with me, in a contract of taking a rose. Third of all I smoke get over it, like you don't have bad habits."

He sneers at me then clears his throat, once again.

"Anyways, I am Offenderman, I am also called Smexy, or by my human name Oliver Black."

He holds out his hand for me to put my hand there. I take his hand instead and shake it in a formal greeting.

"My name is Rose Nightlock, I have been a maid here for ten years. I was raised as a maid, entertainer, and a witch."

He smirks.

"Something was off about you, and your an entertainer? Exotic. "

I sigh.

"Few occasions."

"You're not that bad, you aren't a virgin right?"

I squint my eyes and growl.

"I am not getting into sex with anyone especially you."

I pull my hand back, and wipe it on my pants.

"Now please excuse me, but I have something to clean somewhere."

I walk past him and mumble to myself. I go upstairs and clean followed by Smile dog and Grinny. I toss the stuff in the laundry room I go back to that table in the back corner of the mansion near my room. I take the sad plant off of it water it and scrub the blood stain off of it, listening to music on my phone, Grinny and Smiles dance to it, thank you Garth Brooks for the fantastic music, but God Monday's right?

Slender Mansion MaidWhere stories live. Discover now