
501 18 16

The men in my life keep my death to themselves and act like everything is normal. The holidays were great! We just finished Kwanza. I play country through the my new bluetooth speakers. Everything by Brad Paisley beautiful song.

I hum to the song and put the leftovers away. It is so peaceful. I have had this heaviness in my heart for the thought of death. For the thought of not being able to tuck in Sally, Lazari, Tock or any of the kids. Not being able to play Just Dance with the Trio. Not fighting with Masky and Hoodie. Not cooking in this kitchen anymore.

I slide my fingers along the clean granite countertop. What scares me the most about death is nobody will remember the things that I remember them. Like dancing slowly with Masky on my twentieth birthday. Rocking in the kitchen with Slender when baby sickness broke out. The laugh of the brothers, their real laughs. If I were to leave, I would only take a memory.

Tears flood my eyes. I can cry right now. Offender is in his room drunk from eggnog. Most of the kids are in a food coma. Slender is reading in his bed. Smiles is asleep in my room. Grinny is sleeping in Trender's room. I am happy they have found each other.

"Lover tears do not suit your warm eyes."

I turn to see Undertaker standing there leaning on his scythe. His long hair is pulled back into a ponytail.

"Warm eyes and a cold heart."

"Not cold yet blood is still pumping."

He smiles. I sigh. Nothing like honesty from people who are close to death.

"Do you need something Undertaker? Anything I can assist you with?"

"Yes, actually."

He sounds serious. I feel my insides jump. Nothing is more freaky than when a happy upbeat person turns dark. I wait for him to talk. He drops his scythe and it turns to smoke as it his the ground. Leaving the anticipation on the metal clank. He gets on his knee and holds my hands.

"Please do not pretend everything is alright when it is not. You are dying and have a difficult decision to make in dying or possibly dying through the transition of immortalization. We will not let you die to the Evils of this hellish realm."

I start crying like a baby. How can murders care so much?

"How do you all care so much?"

He smiles with closed eyes.

"We all know what it is and was like to be in pain in every way."

I drop to my knees and hig him he pats my back comforting like.

"Let us cause chaos."

"Always Underbaker."

He giggles at that and stands up pulling me up.

"Now get out! I must bake!"

I laugh and cry as I am kicked out of my own kitchen. I walk to Jane's room and slide into bed with her. She doesn't question me and rubs my back while we sleep.


"What's going on today?"

I put on mascara and close the tube.

"Well I first have to see if my kitchen is now an oven. Then I need to make out with the men I am in love with."

She laughs and I wave as I leave. She runs to her doorway and looks at me with a shocked expression, she realised I wasn't kidding.

"There is more than one?"

I run to Slender's room and swing his door open. His head spins to me. He is sliding on a tie for today.

"Good morning Rose. How are you feeling?"

"Well I know that Death is breathing on my neck, the world might end and I might die is I choose to be immortal! BUT I feel great. How about you handsome?"


"Aw, wanna talk to Mama Rose?"

I give him the lip. He chuckles.

"Why must you always die?"

"Well, it is a test for you. I think. If you keep finding me maybe you are making my soul immortal instead of my body."

He sighs. I walk up to him and tie his tie for him.

"Thank you Rose."

"Hey this ain't free labor!"

I jump up and wrap my legs around him so we fall onto the floor. I laugh at the minor pain in my back. I look at him to see blue eyes. I pull him down to me. He pulls me up. His hand stays under my head and his other traces my body. He sighs and pulls up.

"Rose you taste like berry."


"Blood taste like berry."

"Slender it's all for the experience, if I am going to die let me die doing the thing I love."

"What are you doing?"

"Expressing my love to my loved one."

He sighs and picks me up seting me on the bed.

"Why did you tie my tie if you wanted to do this?"

"Because I am a little shit! Come on Slender catch the drift."

He scoffs and throws off his coat and loosens his tie. I kiss him on his forehead, cheeks, and chin. I get to his ears and lightlt use my tooth to apply a little pressure and tugging.

He laughs and I whisper.

"Hey little Mama let me whisper in your ear-"

"Rose love, you need more help than medical professionals can offer."

"No shit."

He laughs as he connects our mouths. He slides my shirt off and my shorts. I unbutton his shirt and slide my fingers down his slim strong body. I'm a whore.

I sit on his crotch and unhook my bra and take off my undies.

"Gonna be a man Slender?"

He flips us and kisses me all over few bites in places I have never even knew felt good.

"No, I am going to be a monster."

I smile and hold him close.

"I love you."

"I love you as well Rose."

Nothing has ever felt so good, so right. I need to accept what is to happen. I need to accept my love, my life, my circumstances. Here I am making love to the man I love. I have never loved anyone as much as I love him. I love Undertaker like a High School sweetheart. I love Offender like a drug. I love Slender like a hisband.

I will always love them but I love who I love. I am okay with dying in the minds of these men.

Author Note: Hello Fellow Readers! We are nearing the end of this story. And I just wanted to make a song suggestion for you! Impossible by Shontell or Impossible by James Arthur. In the beginning I would look for Everything by Brad Paisley. I hope you had happy holidays, and thank you for your support❤

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