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"What do you want to do?"
I laugh at Splendor's excitement. We decided to put all of the groceries into the car and were 'eating' lunch at the mall, which consisted of Splendor eating a banana split with little flower sprinkles, Offender checking out people and drinking something from a Starbucks coffee cup he bought hours ago, and me eating Frenchfries with mustard. Don't you dare judge me.
"Well, it was the only way Offender or my other brothers would want to play. It is where the seeker if they find you gets to dare you. No magic is allowed and the person who gets found must do the dare or else they get hurt."
"Hurt? My God you guys have some twisted games." I shake my head and suck on my fingers to get the fry stuff off. Offender looks at me while I do this. Just starring.... Stop it you fucktard before I put mustard in your eyes and shove your pearlywhites so far down your throat you crap them out! His mouth seems to twitch a little. I squint my eyes at him.
"Miss Rose!"
"Oh, what yes?"
"So we are playing in here. I'll be it first." Splendy laughs and gets up and skips away, before I can object.
I finally sigh.
"Shouldn't have gotten him sugar." Offender huffs. He stares at a brunette across the way.
Stupid bitch.
I hear him snort as I look at him. I get up and continue to watch him.
"Alright here are your choices. Go have sex with that lady in the bathroom over there. Come play with Splendy, and my favorite is to stop sulking like big baby."
He stands up and grabs my arm harshly.
"I wasn't asking you was I, maid."
I shiver, as we walk to the adult store. I sigh as he shoves me in.
I look around scoffing and turn to face him. He looks upset, I see the cashier watching him he looks to me I smile and he blushes and looks away. Oh damn it, sorry baby, I didn't mean to...
I must have been starring because Offender turned to him. He rolled his eyes.
"We are playing Hide, Dare and Find. Splendor never comes into here."
I roll my eyes grossed out from the store. Dildos hung from the walls, cuffs, and sex toys are on obvious display. In the back is the hardcore stuff. I see outfits on the other wall. Heals that are too long, fake boobs and a whip. I walk over to that wall and look at the whip. It took me to an unpleasant memory that I forced back. This is the eppitmy of hell.
"It's not that bad in here."

I turn to Offender who has grabbed some stuff and is placing it into a bag. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"What? You going to go home and screw yourself?"
I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up when he glared at me. Hisssssss AHHHHHHHHHH....
I go back to the stuff and go to stick my head out of the store when I see a lot of color. I jump back in. I bump into a stand grabbing it before it fell. I place it back up. I glance at Offender as he scoffs.
"Damned bitch always messing up."
Conceal don't feel, don't let it show. One wrong move and everyone will know.
I look around for a while until I get bored. Offender bought a bunch of junk and disappeared. A tall skinny woman with a red tube top on came in. She looked at Offender who randomly appeared. He smirked and went to her. I could hear their flirting then I heard a moan and a bang. Not in that order.
"And that's enough for the Ted-Talk today."
I scanned the area for Splendor. I tried to mimic a ninja, key word tried. I rolled on the ground and played the Mission Impossible sound track in my head.
I fling around and smack who ever was behind me. Offender held his jaw, a red mark showed up where I smacked him.
I looked at my hand and held it curling my lips into my mouth to keep me from dying of pain.
"Get down!"
Offender tackles me behind a concession stand. People walking by glanced at us and carried on. I push him off so I can breathe again. Jack ass.
"A thank you is good, you know."

I smiled at him. Stood up, he lazily did the same, I pushed him out into the open and whistled. Sure enough Splendor looked right at him. Offender turned to me.
"You're dead."
I shrieked, and ran. He chased after me. Splendor shouted at us to slow down. I laughed my head off. I ran up an escalator that was doing down. I went around people being polite.
When I go to the back of the mall where the Chole's store was. Chole's was closed for the day, under repair. I looked around for a person. Then I see Offender across the opening to show the bottom floor.
"Well, fancy meeting you here." I played it cool.
"Please this was meant to be." He remarked.
Splendor looked at us, and smiled.
"Offey, I have a dare for you."
Offender huffed.
"Not now pipsqueek, I have a stupid maid to kill."
He jumped across the opening to me and grabbed me by the throat.
"I dare you not to hurt anyone for a whole day!!!"
Splendor walked around the opening Offender growled but let go.
"A waste of a dare Tiny."
I hold my throat and smile. Offender glares at me.
"Stop smiling."

I walk up to him and lean on him then poke him over and over.
"And. You. Can't. Do. Nothing. About. It."
I laugh, and hug Splendor. What a good kid he is.
"My turn." Offender smirks.
He disappears, and does Splendor.

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