Chapter ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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(long chapter!☺️💛)

I get to my car, still burning at 1000 degrees. I could bake a cake in here. I turn up the AC as high as possible, hoping I'll cool off quickly.

I swear I saw ice chunks fly out of the AC & then melt while flying through the air.

I sit & wait till it gets cool in the car.

I sigh, finally releasing the stress of the day that has barely started.
I didn't actually have to go to my moms.
I just didn't want to get stuck with Micheal again.
It'd be awkward.
I'll just have to pretend it never happened.

I'm making it sound like it's dramatic, but a boss on the first day?
Gives me the chills.

The car finally cools, so I turn on the radio, back out of the parking lot, & slowly drive off.

Jim's POV
"...But, I actually have to go, right now, I have to go visit my mom today... would it be fine, if, I started tomorrow?"

I really thought she'd want to start today. I mean, I don't want to force her into anything, but, man. She looks like she just saw a dead cat in the elevator.

It's a normal thing around here to see something like that.

"Yeah, absolutely! Family is very important after all. I'll meet you here tomorrow at 9 o'clock."

(Y/n) smiles.
"Thanks. Bye everyone! See you tomorrow!"
She waves out to everyone in the room.

I hear mumbles of goodbyes.
I chuckle & I shrug . "Sorry, tough crowd today."
"It's alright," she says. "I totally understand."
I smile, locking eyes with her. "See you tomorrow (y/n)."
"Yup, right back at cha."
(Y/n) quickly walks out, & I sigh.

"I like her," Phyllis says. "she brings a new energy in here."
"Yeah, I think she'd be a great fit." Oscar says, handing Angela a file.

"So, you guys, eavesdropped in our interview?"

"Uh, yeah. We don't want you to hire some scum bag off the street."
"What? It's true."
"Ugh, never mind, so, you guys like her?"

"She's a cutie. I say we hire her," Meredith says.
"When is she starting?" Kevin asks.

"She's supposed to start tomorrow."

"I can't wait that long! That's like,"
Oscar rolls his eyes. "Kevin, I think you can wait 24 hours."
"No, I can't, Oscar. Don't tell me what I can do!"

"Okay okay Kevin. I have to go talk with Micheal, so, I'll talk to you guys later about reception."

I walk over to Micheals door.
"Micheal? Can I have a talk with you?"
"Sure," he mumbles. "come & destroy my day some more."

I roll my eyes & walk in. Micheal sits with his head down on his desk.

"Uh, Micheal, what did you say to (y/n)? She sorta left in a hurry. She looked-"

Micheal's head flies up. "I'm in love, Jim, alright?! God! I-I asked her if she wanted to get a drink sometime and she rejected me! Want to ruin my life some more? Want to hire more people to reject me?!"

"Oh my god. Micheal, she just got here! Why'd you do that?"
"Because, Jim, I thought she was pretty! Most pretty girl I've seen in years. Get off my case!"

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now