Chapter ☕️x29

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"Y/n!" the voice calls. I'm not sure where it's coming from, it's a bit far, but close at the same time. It's getting too dark to see, but I can tell someone is jogging towards me.

I unlock my car but don't get inside. I turn away and hold on to the handle of my car door.

I know who it is.
They make it up behind me.

It's Erin.

"Hey y/n!" she says. I turn around and smile at her.

"Hi Erin, if you've come to ask how I'm doing, I am alright." I turn back around quickly and try to open my car door, but she stops me.

"Hey wait! Can we have just a little chat?" she stops and looks down at her feet shyly. "...if you have time of course!" she smiles and looks back up at me.

I sigh and smile bleakly, and tell her to get in the passenger seat. We hop in together and there's a minute of silence as we get situated.

"Are you and Jim alright?"

Ouch, Erin.

This is a great way to start the year.

I look at the steering wheel and follow the circle of it.
"Uhm, y-yes-" I pause. I should be honest with her. "well, its a bit complicated right now."

"Oh?" She sits back in astonishment.

I sigh.

"He admitted to still liking Pam."

Erin gasps.  "Are you serious?" She reaches out and rests her hand in my shoulder. "Y/n I'm so sorry."

I shrug, not to take her hand off my shoulder, but it's just, I don't know.

"He said he wants to be with me more, but I don't want to be a choice between two things. I want to be the main choice. The only. No doubt about it. You know?"

She intently watches my face, and my expressions. I find she copies them.

"I totally get that sister. What are you gonna do?" 

I sigh again, but quietly, looking down at my lap.

"I told him I needed a break, but not like breaking up, just thinking space." I start getting a little emotional at this point, but I try to hide it.

"What should I do?" I look up at her; I try to secretly blink my tears away.

"Text him tomorrow. Or now if you want. Tell him you're not a choice. You shouldn't have to compete to be loved."

"You know what? I think I'll text him right now."

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