Chapter 9

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So peaceful...
So beautiful...
Oh how it made his heart race...

Jungkook gently brushed a strand of Tae's black hair behind his ear as he watched the other sleep peacefully in his arms, all cuddled up.
It felt like forever...forever since Jungkook realized he was in love with his best friend Taehyung.
And he wanted to tell him. He really wanted to. But...he was afraid.
Afraid Taehyung would be disgusted and push him away, end their friendship. That was the last thing Jungkook wanted.
But as he watched Taehyung sleep so peacefully in his arms...he knew he had to tell him...tonight.


„What the fuck?"

Jimin tilted his head and turned around to find the red thing that caught his eye.
On the wall...
Written in...
Red paint?
Was written on the wall in all it's glory—
Welcome to the beginning of your end

Chills ran down Jimin's spine as he read the terrifying message.
But fear quickly turned into anger. One or all were playing a prank on him.
„Haha, verry funny guys. I'm soooo scared."
Jimin huffs and takes the pack of matches which he finally found laying on the rotten, dirty floor.
Standing back up he was just about to head back when he froze.
Small creaking sounds...squeeking...old metal rustling...

At the end of the hall...
The black door...where the door handle was slowely pushed downwards and the door slowely opened.
The blonde's heart rate picked up as he watched the door slowely open, revealing nothing but black.
A black hole.

Again Jimin huffed.
„They are just trying to scare me..."
He mumbles to himself, but....his confidance wasnt as high anymore.

Again he was just about to turn away when a horrorfying, high pitched, almost child like giggle escaped the black hole, making Jimin's heart stop, the blood freezing in his veins.

Zombie Apocalypse                                                 •Taekook FF•Where stories live. Discover now