Chapter 13

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The piercing scream filled the whole house, shaking everyone to their core, wondering what has happened in this dark, mysterious house.


Taehyung flinched and jumped into Jungkook's arms, Jin squeeked and burried his head in Namjoon's chest, Hoseok's eyes widening when he recognized the voice.
The male jumped off to the couch, dashing off into the dark.
„Hobi!! Wait!"

Yoongi froze at the scream.
Oh wait.
It was his own.
But who could blame him?
The sight he was met with when he lighted up the room was horrorfying.
The milliond of cuts and bruised covering those little arms and baby face, the favourite shirt which Yoongi and Hobi had given him for his birthday was covered in dirt and big stains of blood, the blonde curls no longer blond but shinning in a ruby red, sulking in the big puddle of dark red liquid under his head.

Yoongi felt the hot tears coming to his eyes, not able to fight them before dashing over to the small body.
Shaking the small body as tears spilled over his heated cheeks, dropping onto the blood stained floor. Without hesitation the older took off his jacket to cover the amount of wounds under the other's shirt once he saw them.
His voice was shaking. His body was shaking. He was feeling hot. Cold. But also numb at the same time. If someone slapped him, he probably wouldnt even feel it. Too focused on the younger before him, to notice the door behind, closing and getting locked...

Hoseok's powerful voice ecchoed through the empty halls of the dark house as he was running around like a gone wild animal. He had to find them. He needed to know if his lovers were ok.

When Yoongi couldnt get him to wake up, more panic overfloaded his body. With shaking hands he felt for the pulse.





Ah...There it was.
A small sigh left the olders lips. Relieved that the other was still alive. It was that moment when Yoongi heard Hoseok's voice pierce through his ears.
The mind haired male got up and walked over to the door, opening it.
Or well, he tried.
He pulled at the door handle with all his might, rattling the door, kicking it aswell. Nothing happened.
„Hobi!!! In here!!"
He called out with last power left in his tired voice. Luckily the sunshine the sunshine wasnt far and immediately found the door.
„Yoongi! Thank god! Open the door!"
„I cant! It's stuck!"
„Stand back. I'll open it. Are you ok?"
„I am. But Jiminie isnt! He needs to go to the hospital right away!"
Hoseok's heart fell at the words. What could have possibly happened to his baby!? Clenching his fists tightly, not caring that they soon turned red as he started to break the door open with his fists, shoulders and foot.


And a yell in pain.

Hoseok held his bleeding and obviously broken fist.
„Are you ok????"
„Yea...I'm fine."
He simply replied and continued to break the door open with his shoulder.
Just minutes later...
Hoseok's tears wettend his red cheeks, biting his lower lip so hard it started to bleed as he clenched to his shoulder which was twisted in a not verry good way.

Yoongi's heart clemched as he had to listen to his other lover, breaking his own bones, trying to open the god damn door. His ears pained at the sounds which soon became deaf...the silence invaded his ears. Huh? Did Hoseok give up? Did he leave to get help?

No. Hoseok was still at work. But Yoongi couldnt hear him anymore. His senses were getting blocked...The only thing he could hear were the horrorfying, child like giggles, filling his ears as he stared into the bloody red eyes, staring back at him from the black corner...

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