Author's Note

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First of all, I seriously can't believe I finished writing this, because I thought I never would. It literally took me a year to finish.

Second, for those that have read this, THANK YOU, YOU ARE MY ANGEL. I legitimately would never have had the motivation to keep writing this without all you wonderful people. And honestly, I can't thank you enough for sticking with me even in the wake of my error-filled, awkward writing.

Now, I must give tribute to the meme that followed throughout this writing process:

Now, I must give tribute to the meme that followed throughout this writing process:

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As I'm sure you have figured out, I didn't plan out the plot. I was just as surprised when something weird happened as you guys were (not good, I know). And the lack of planning is why everything is kind of jumbled.

Anyway, this is all I've got for now. I might write something else later (who knows, if I get to editing this, I might write a sequel).

Also, thank you to my mom, who read this whole thing even when she probably would rather have done something else.

Thank you, all!

Have a wonderful day/week/month/year/decade/birthday/etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (anyone get the reference?).


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