N I N E (Part 1)

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2004 (Ages: Alice-17 Harry-19 William-22)

"Why do you think dad called us all to his office?" Alice asked her brothers while waiting outside the door to her father's study.

"Who know, who cares." Harry stated while looking down at his phone and texting someone. Alice rolled her eyes before replying to her brother's comment.

"Do you ever set that thing down?" He didn't respond.

"Don't even bother trying to talk to him. Clearly your answer is obvious." William told his sister.

"The Prince of Wales will see you now." A man that came out of Charles' office said. All three of his children stood up and walked inside, and the door was shut behind them. Their father was sitting in a leather office chair while Camilla was standing up beside him.

"Hello kids!" Charles said happily. They all new something was up because he never seemed this happy. Camilla also had a big smile on her face.

"What's going on pa?" Harry said to his father getting straight to the point.

"Your father and I have some news and we wanted you to be the first ones to know." Camilla said and looked down and Charles.

"We're getting married in April of next year." The room grew silent. You could easily say that all the children were taken aback for a moment before William spoke up.

"I hope you guys are happy." William told them with a smile on his face that was the same as Harry's.

"Yeah, congratulations!" 

Alice was still wide eyed and couldn't moved. She looked from her father back to her soon-to-be step-mom. Everyone in the room was looking at her waiting for her to say something.

"What about mum'?" Alice finally spoke up, but the words came out very quietly. "Are you just going to pretend like she didn't matter! This is the women who made her life a living hell!" She almost shouted.

"Alice, you do not speak to Camilla with such tone. Apologize." Her dad said

"Unbelievable." She whispered under her breath and rolled her eyes. "I will not be going to the wedding and I am not apologizing for speaking the truth!" She finally yelled.

"That is no way to speak to your future queen!" Camilla spoke up. Harry and William were both just standing there watching their sister go at it with this lady. Harry was secretly enjoying it but wouldn't let it show.

"Future queen my ass!" She said. "I will not curtsy to you and I will in no way worship you." Alice said calmly and seriously before storming out of the room. Charles stood up to go after her before William reached his arm out and stopped him.

"I don't think she really wants to see you right now." Wills said before jogging after her with Harry following.

The only thing going through the gingers head was 'This is going to be a long day'.


A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I last updated! I've been really busy and have had writers block for a while. If you have any ideas for the story feel free to comment. I would love to here your ideas and hopefully put them in the story. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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