Part 2

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I can only watch silently as Javier's flesh is being ripped from his bones by my mother's whip while I sit with tears streaming down my face.

Avery coos and that is the only thing that tears his attention away from me.

The lashes rain down on his bare back. Tears fall from my eyes when I see Javier's blood drip onto Alpha Tyke's polished floor.

"I can't watch this anymore Tyke. Please stop her." Ivan cries.

"I can't. This is your punishment Ivan. Did you think there will be no consequences for your actions? For his actions?" Tyke asks but I can't tear my eyes away from Javier to look at them.

"Tyke, please." Ivan pleads again. I want to tell him this is right. This is just. I deserve to see them in pain as they've seen me.

"Do not look away." Tyke's voice is hard as steel. "Watch every second of it Ivan and be grateful this is all I am going to do to you."

"Tyke, please!" He's stubborn I can give him that. "I can't watch my oldest and closest friend die!"

"You chose his fate the moment you led him on and he accepted it when he fell in love with you. It could have been by my hands. Do you know how many times I wanted to rip his throat out? Do you know how it hurt to watch the way he fawned all over you?" Ivan whimpers at Tyke's words. I can hear the strain in Tyke's voice. I guess he and I did feel some of the same things except Ivan came home to him. Javier always remained with Ivan.

"My punishment is to watch you hurt. I get to watch as your heart breaks for him. I get to watch as you shatter and I have to hold myself back from gathering your pieces. As your mate, your Alpha, I have to fight against my beast and my nature to not wipe your tears and hold you in my arms and comfort you." Tyke's words are harshly whispered.

Ivan chokes on his sobs while I stare down at Javier and you know what disturbs me? Javier's painful cries echoes throughout the room together with Ivan's yet for once he does not look away from me. He gives me his undivided attention.

I know he won't be the same after this whipping if he does survive by some miracle of the Goddess herself.

As much as the sounds of his cries sing sweetly in my ears my heart hurts for him. I don't want him in such pain. I never did. I thought I'd be able to stay here and he and I could have moved forward. We'd be normal. Like a human couple wanting to be together because we want to be together. Because we love each other, because Avery deserves both his parents in his life.

I flinch, barely holding myself back from running to his side when his arms give out from under him till he's on his belly before me.

The scent of his blood is too thick in the air. I can taste his pain at the back of my throat.

I beg, I plead. Shouting and screaming for it to stop but I know it's futile.

His eyes become unfocused as if he can't see me or anything else in this room.

My mother's whip never falters for even a second as she gives him every lash. She does not hold back. She does not take pity on his bloodied form. She does not look upon him with any compassion. I am doing that enough for the both of us.

The metallic scent of blood and silver permeates the air so thickly I feel as if I can't breathe.

When my mother moves away from Javier's prone form on the floor I can barely register Ivan's whispered words of not hearing Javier's heartbeat.

This is not what I wanted I think again. I never wanted us to come to this. I never wanted him to hurt like this. To feel my pain yes, but not taken away from the earth forever.

How will Avery ever forgive me when I tell him that my blindness took his father from him. That I couldn't see past my own pain and accept the man as he was. He was changing. I could see that. He loved me in his own way. Maybe we weren't the traditional couple to fall in love at first sight.

I wish I could go back and accept him as mine. I wish I could go back.

Sobs climb my throat the longer there is no heart beat from Javier's chest.


Sorry... I'm sorry.😥

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