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(Julia's POV)

Autumn was shocked that I was Austin's sister so was Matt. If I knew Austin knew Autumn or I knew that Austin was my brother I wouldn't have hurt her.

"So you and Austin are brother and sister" Autumn said.

"Yep" me and Austin said at the same time.

"Yeah I don't see it" she said. "You two being related."

"Well you see I got everything from my mom except for my ey-" I said before I looked at my brother.

He was looking down trying not to cry.

"Austin it's not your fault. We're ok. I'm ok" Autumn said before hugging him.

"Did I miss something" I said. She nodded.

"There was something that happened to us and Austin is still sensitive about it" she said. "It's ok my big teddy bear."

"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend or something" Matt said.

They blushed. "N-NO" they said at the same time. Me and Matt laughed.

"Now I remember why I hated having a sister" Austin said.

"Older sister" I corrected.

"BY 12 HOURS" he said crossing his arms.

(Austin's POV)

Juila laughed. I hated and loved my sister.

"Remember mom's smile and laugh" she said.

I looked down.


"Maybe this will jog your memory" Zack said with a grin and he was in his warlock form. I was in shock for a few seconds and I finally kicked in and grabbed Zack by the neck. "After I killed Mia I had to hide" Zack said. "Don't you dare speak of my mother" I said.

-end of flashback-

I started to cry a little.

"Why didn't I kill him" I whispered to myself.

I looked down at Autumn and looked up at him.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating" my sister said.

I looked at her. "No we are just friends" I said knowing I had feeling for her.

"Let's head back to the others" I said.

Autumn pulled me aside.

"Austin are you going to be ok. I know when your sister was talking about your past with your family I brought you back to what happened with Michael didn't it" Autumn said.

I nodded and she hugged me.

"It's ok I'm still here" she said.

"But what if I wasn't able to save you" I said hugging her back while crying.

"Austin don't think about what could have happened think about right now" she replied.

"Can we just stay here for a while" I said. She nodded.

We sat down and Autumn started to fall asleep on my shoulder and I blushed. Juila came to see where me and Autumn where.

"Shhhh" I said pointing to Autumn which was now sleeping.

"Sorry can I talk to you over here" she said whispering.

I nodded and laid Autumn against the wall.

Captured and Tortured:In the BasementWhere stories live. Discover now